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Remarks from a Cloud Architect daily encounters

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Remove/Add Microsoft Antimalware Service from an Azure VM

Microsoft offers for free it’s antimalware service. When you create a new VM you have the option to enable it. This will install the System Center Endpoint Protection client to the VM managed by Azure. If you have added this but now you want to remove it and add some other antivirus/antimalware solution you cannot do it by just uninstalling the client from the VM. The client will auto re-insalled by Azure. There are two ways to completely uninstall the program and remove it from Azure. One is us



Delete user from Office 365 Hybrid with DirSync

This post is bout Exchange/Office 365 Hybrid Deployments, when for some reason we need to completely delete a user account and mailbox from Office 365 in order to re-sync it.   First you need to exclude the user from DirSync Open the “Synchronization Service Manager” (cn be fount at “C:\Program Files\WindowsAzureActiveDirectorySync\SYNCBUS\Synchronization Service\UIShell\miisclient.exe”) Navigate to “Metaverse Search” and click on “Add Clause” Be sure that you choose Displayname as Attrib



Create a Disk in specific Storage Account and Attach it to a VM in Azure

There are many reasons to have your Disks stored at separate Storage Accounts, per Cloud Service. One is that a Storage Account in Azure provides 20000 IOPS and every disk in Standard Tier 500 IOPS. Azure support suggests to don’t have more than 40 disks per Storage Account. Also you may want to have your disks lined (go to Azure, Cloud Services, selsect a Cloud Service and you can see the “Lined Resources” tab, there you can link storage accounts to the Cloud Service) to the same Cloud Services



Exchange 2007/2010 Hybrid Deployment & Migrating to Office 365

Αυτό το post είναι οι σημειώσεις μου από διάφορα migrations Exchange 2007 & 2010 σε Office 365 Hybrid Deployment. Για Exchange 2013 είναι σχεδόν το ίδιο, αλλά αρκετά πιο εύκολο! Όπως είπα είναι οι σημειώσει μου μαζί με διάφορες προσθέσεις από διάφορα blogs, κάτι σαν Checklist και όχι Tytorial ή Guide.   1. Τι χρειάζεται: 2 x ADFS NLB (for identity federation) 2 x ADFS Proxy Servers NLB (for identity federation) 1 x domain member server for DIrSync 1 x SQL 2008 R2 server that will store the



Use Web Application Firewall (WAF) Rules with the Front Door to protect your app

At the previous post we created an Azure Front Door to scale our web apps across Azure Regions and also publish them only through the Front Door’s URL. At this post we will create Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules, to protect our web apps. To add WAF functionality to the Front Door we need first to create WAF rules and then attach them to the Front Door Create the WAF Rule From the Azure Marketplace search for WAF and create a Web Application Firewall At the “Create a WAF poli



Azure Backup Email Notification

I was looking for a free solution to have an email notifications for Azure backup. After reading other blogs and technet site I end up to use PowerShell Send-MailMessage attached to the Azure Backup Logs. In short, when the Azure Backup log is created, the script lists the last 2 days events, creates an html file and mails the report with the html as attachment to you.   First find the Azure backup Event Log, it under “Applications and Services Logs, CloudBackup, Operational” and select to att



Alter the Office 365 DirSync Schedule

The DirSync by default runs every three hours. And you will realized that there is no GUI way to change that. To change the sync interval we need to change a configuration file. 1. Go to the below directory on your DirSync Server: C:\Program Files\WindowsAzureActiveDirectorySync (there are two similar directories, one with spaces between the words and one without. We want the one without spaces) Here we will find the main executable of the DirSync Scheduler, the “Microsoft.Online.DirSync.Schedul



Exchange 2013 & Exchange Online, Grand Full Access to Mailboxes

You can easily provide Full Access Permissions using the GUI, just Edit the mailbox you want, go to Mailbox Delegation and provide Full Access. Both Exchange 2013 and Online is the same. But if you have to provide Full Access massively then you need PowerShell.   The command for a single user is: Add-MailboxPermission -Identity "employee" -User "manager" -AccessRights FullAccess with that command user “manager” will be granded with Full Access permissions to user “employee”   Now lets see



Securely scale your Web Apps with Azure Front Door

Securely scale your Web Apps with Azure Front Door There is a big buzz out there about Azure Front Door.  Is it a Load Balancer? A CDN? A Traffic Manager? A Web Application Firewall ? A Reverse Proxy? An Application Gateway? So, what is Azure Front Door? Azure Front Door actually is all the above and more. It is a global service, that routes web traffic based on performance and availability. A Layer 7 multi-region load balancer with Web Application Firewall (WAF) capabilities, DDoS protection



Azure Web Farm using IIS & Azure File storage

Azure Web Farm using IIS & Azure File storage This post is my view of a complete guide, from A to Z, including both the Windows Server part and the Azure Portal part on how to build a Web Farm using IIS & Azure File storage. Following this guide you will have a functional two server IIS Web Farm using Azure File storage. To create a Web Server Farm the mail requirement is a high available common storage. I see that when deploying on Azure, a lot of people are using DFSR for common storag



AzureRm | Create External Load Balancer with two VMs

After my previous post, the internal load balancer with two VMs, this is a scenario using the External Load Balancer. The configuration includes a Load Balancer with a Static Public IP at the frond end and two VMs at the back end. The load balancer has two static routes for RDP, one for each VM and one load balance rule, the TCP port 80, common for web sites and applications. It uses a probe that checks a web page on both hosts to verify if they are active.   Lets start. First we need to insta



Connect powershell to Azure

First we need to install the Azure PowerShell module from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=320376&clcid=0x409   Then open PowerShell and follow the below commands:   #Get your subscription file - The browser will open, you will need to login to the Azure Subscription and finally it will download the <subscriptonname>.publishsettings file Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile   #Connect to your Subscription Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile -PublishSettingsFile "full path to download



Exchange Calendar Permissions using Powershell

This is a fast way to manage Calendar permissions of a mailbox. Same commands are for both Exchange on-premises and Exchange Online (Office 365). For Exchange Online first connect Powershell to Office365, as described to previous posts.   # To check current permissions Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "[email protected]":\calendar # To add calendar permissions, permission can be Editor,Reviewer,Author etc Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "[email protected]":\calendar -User "mana



Το Azure εξελίσσεται & οι τάσεις που θα μας απασχολήσουν! @Netfax

<p>Σήμερα δημοσιεύτηκε η συνέντευξή μου με τίτλο “<span data-offset-key="900n3-0-0">Το Azure εξελίσσεται”</span> στο NetFax τεύχος #4230, <span data-offset-key="900n3-0-0"> όπου συζητάω για τις τάσεις που θα μας απασχολήσουν στο Microsoft Azure & το Cloud! </span></p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2796" src="https://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/netfax4.jpg"alt="νετφαχ" width="568" height="1075" /></p> <



AzureRm | Create Site to Site VPN

<h1><strong>AzureRm | Create Site to Site VPN</strong></h1> <p>This post is part of a general idea, to create an end-to-end high available application infrastructure solution in Azure using internal load balancer with the new AzureRm commands and Azure PowerShell v.1.0 preview.</p> <p>We will create a Gateway, request a Public IP and establish a Site to Site VPN. At the time I am writting this post there is no option to create the VPN ising the Portal, t



Happy Friday! My blog post featured at this week’s Friday Five!

<p>Happy Friday! My blog post is featured at this week’s Friday Five!</p> <p>Check out this week’s <a href="https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-MVP-Award-Program-Blog/Friday-Five-Azure-free-SMTP-relay-using-Sendgrid-Power-Platform/ba-p/894274">FridayFive section of the Microsoft MVP Award Program Blog!</a> My blog post about <a href="https://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/azure-free-smtp-relay-using-sendgrid/">using SendGrid for free SMTP relay fr



Reserve external IP on Azure Cloud Service

When we create a VM on Azure, at the same time we create a Cloud Service. Later we can create more VMs on the same cloud service. Each cloud service has a unique Public IP. For as long the Cloud Service has at least one VS running this Public IP remains the same. If all VMs of a Cloud Service are off then the Public IP is released and next time the VM is powered on it will take a new Public IP.   Using PowerShell we can reserve a Public IP for as long as the Cloud Service exists, with or witho



Exchange 2010 | add local domain CA certificate

<p>First we need to create a certificate request</p> <p>Open the Microsoft Exchange Management Console and navigate to Microsoft Exchange -> Server Configuration.</p> <p>On the right panel press the “New Exchange Certificate”</p> <p id="IcnajXr"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1027 " src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/img_579b27be99f9e.png"alt="" /></p> <p>The “New Exchange Certificate” wizard will



Match OnPrem Active Directory users to existing Office365 Users

<p>Lets say you have an Office 365 account and cloud only users with mailboxes and now you decide that you want to sync it and match the Office 365 users with your Active Directory users.</p> <p>I prepared a lab with one DC and I created a trial Office 365 E3 account with custom domain. I created users with the same username to both. At Active Directory I set the UPN to match the Office 365 user name and also added the email address.</p> <p>Next I enabled directory



Move mailbox to Exchange Online from Exchange 2013

To move a mailbox to Exchange Online from Exchange 2013 first connect Windows PowerShell to Exchange Online with a Global Administrator:   $UserCredential = Get-Credential $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/-Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session Provide the on-premise administrator credential   Then connect to the local Exchange 2013:   Run $Rem



Add AlwaysOn AG to SQL Failover Cluster Instance

SQL Failover Cluster with AlwaysOn Availability Groups Πάμε τώρα για το τελευταίο κομμάτι του lab, να προσθέσουμε AlwaysOn Availability Group στο υπάρχον SQL WSFC. Windows Server 2012 R2 Failover Cluster with FreeNAS 9.3 (Page 1, Page 2) Microsoft SQL 2012 on Failover Cluster (Page 1, Page 2, Page 3) Add AlwaysOn AG to SQL Failover Cluster Instance (Page 1, Page 2, Page 3) Add AlwaysOn AG to SQL Failover Cluster Instance (Page 1) Για αρχή πρέπει να ενεργοποιήσουμε το “AlwaysOn High Avail



Azure AD | Secure Web Application Publishing

Azure AD | Secure Web Application Publishing Application Publishing Azure Active Directory Application Proxy is a very easy and secure way for web application publishing using the extremely secure Azure AD authentication mechanism. There are a tone of features, like SSO and 2 Factor Authentication. But lets see the basic here. You have a web application that you are using internal to your network, not even https, or you have developed a web application and you want an easy and safe way to publis



Lync Server Cookbook | Packt

Today I received my copy of the Lync Server Cookbook, from Packt Publications. I am one of the reviewers of the book.     The link to the book is: https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/lync-server-2013-cookbook   http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/everything/lync-server-cookbook-packt/



Manage Office 365 password expiration

1. Check if the password is set to never expire for one user:   Get-MSOLUser -UserPrincipalName username | Select PasswordNeverExpires   2. Check if the password is set to never expire for all users:   Get-MSOLUser | Select UserPrincipalName, PasswordNeverExpires   3. Check if the password is set to never expire for a list of users:   create a txt file listing the required users, line by line with title “username”, and save it as c:\pwdexpire.txt, like this:   username testuser1 test



Exchange 2013/16 Set Virtual Directories Notes

Exchange 2013/16 Set Virtual Directories Notes By Pantelis Apostolidis | December 13, 2016 0 Comment   You can find all this info at many many blogs allover the internet, I just want to have a note here to have them gathered for ease.   Outlook Anywhare Get-OutlookAnywhere | Select Server,ExternalHostname,Internalhostname   Get-OutlookAnywhere | Set-OutlookAnywhere -ExternalHostname mail.mydomain.com -InternalHostname mail.mydomain.com -ExternalClientsRequireSsl $true -InternalClientsR



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