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Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver for Linux




Με μια ανακοίνωση που ακολουθεί η Microsoft παρουσίασε τον Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver for Linux. Διαλειτουργικότητα σε όλο της το μεγαλείο.

Greetings Developer community:

We heard yesterday and today at the PASS conference about the exciting new areas that we are investing in bringing the power of SQL Server to our customers. Many of our developers who rely on native connectivity to SQL Server primarily use ODBC for their connectivity needs. We have been supporting ODBC as a part of the SQL Native Access Client (SNAC) libraries. In our continued commitment to interoperability, today we also announced that we will be releasing the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver for Linux. We will be releasing first community technology preview (CTP) around mid-November and will be available along with SQL Server 2012 when it is released. Please look for announcement on our
SQL Connectivity
home page and
SQL Server
blog page.

We will be showcasing Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver for Linux along with our Java and PHP solutions for SQL Server and Azure at PASS conference session
“[AD-211-M] Developing Multi-Platform Applications for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure”
Thursday October 13th at 5:00PM at Washington State Convention Center Room #4C4
. Also, if you have any questions or feedback on our multi-platform strategy as well as the entire gamut of support we provide to the application developers, I would encourage you to attend the PASS Panel Discussion with SQL Connectivity Leadership
“[AD-101-M] SQL Connectivity Leadership Unplugged”
Friday, October 14, 2011, 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM at Washington State Convention Centre Room# 612
where I will be hosting a panel along with the rest of the leadership team that drives the strategy for our application platform.


Raghu Ram

Principal Group Program Manager

SQL Server


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