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Νέα Superflows για App-V Sequencing, OSD μέσω PXE για τον ConfigMgr και Operator Basics για νέους χειριστές του SC Operations Manager




Πριν από μερικές εβδομάδες –στις 06/04/2010 για την ακρίβεια- έγραψα για τα βοηθήματα ροής εργασιών τα λεγόμενα και Superflows τα οποία μας βοηθάνε να προετοιμαστούμε για συγκεκριμένες ενέργειες στα προγράμματα που υποστηρίζονται έτσι ώστε να μειωθεί το περιθώριο λάθους κατά την εγκατάσταση.

Σήμερα λοιπόν εντόπισα τα παρακάτω τρία (3) νέα και φρέσκα Superflows, αυτή τη φορά έχουμε την υιοθέτηση του Superflow Interactive Model από την ομάδα του App-V και του Operations Manager, έχουμε και λέμε λοιπόν:

SuperFlow Name



Configuration Manager: SuperFlow for Operating System Deployment via PXE


This SuperFlow provides information about operating system deployment using Configuration Manager PXE service points
Operations Manager: Operator Basics SuperFlow for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007


The Operator Basics SuperFlow provides information that helps front-line operators who are new to Operations Manager get started using the product.
App-V: Application Virtualization Sequencing SuperFlow


This SuperFlow provides detailed information about the Application Virtualization Sequencing process.

Και τα Overviews για κάθε βοήθημα:

1) This SuperFlow provides information about operating system deployment using preboot execution environment (PXE) service points. The SuperFlow provides step-by-step information about how to configure the enterprise network to support Configuration Manager PXE service point deployments. It then describes the steps from creating the deployment package until the operating system deployment task sequence begins to run on the client computer. The SuperFlow interactive content model provides a structured and interactive interface for viewing documentation. This SuperFlow includes comprehensive information about a specific dataflow, workflow, or process. You will find overview information, steps that include detailed information, procedures, sample log entries, best practices, security information, and other information. This SuperFlow also includes links to relevant resources, such as Web sites or local files that are copied to your computer when you install the SuperFlow.

2)  The Operator Basics SuperFlow contains the essential information for a new operator using Operations Manager 2007. The SuperFlow interactive content model provides a structured and interactive interface for viewing documentation. Each SuperFlow includes comprehensive information about a specific dataflow, workflow, or process. Depending on the focus of the SuperFlow, you will find overview information, steps that include detailed information, procedures, sample log entries, best practices, real-world scenarios, troubleshooting information, security information, animations, or other information. Each SuperFlow also includes links to relevant resources, such as Web sites or local files that are copied to your computer when you install the SuperFlow.

3) The SuperFlow interactive content model provides a structured and interactive interface for viewing documentation. Each SuperFlow includes comprehensive information about a specific dataflow, workflow, or process. Depending on the focus of the SuperFlow, you will find overview information, steps that include detailed information, procedures, sample log entries, best practices, real-world scenarios, troubleshooting information, security information, animations, or other information. Each SuperFlow also includes links to relevant resources, such as Web sites or local files that are copied to your computer when you install the SuperFlow. This SuperFlow provides detailed information about the Application Virtualization Sequencing process.

Εξαιρετικά χρήσιμα όλα, χρησιμοποιήστε τα οπωσδήποτε!



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