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I’m speaking at Microsoft INDEED 2015, 20-21 October, Sofia, BG






I’m invited to present at Microsoft INDEED 2015 that will take place in Sofia, BG in October this year. I’m really excited that I have the opportunity to participate at this big event and meet new people that share the same passion: technology.


My first session will be about the all brand new Nano Server, so the participants will have the opportunity to see in action how this new version can be used in their corporate networks. More info about the session on Nano Server can be found here.


The second session will be about the Windows Server Containers, a feature that will help us to do file, registry virtualization and network virtualization so that each application/container could have it’s own IP address to provide a layer of isolation so that the container doesn’t have access outside of that Sandbox. More info about my session on Windows Server Containers (and Docker of course!) can be found here.


Hope to see you there!



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