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Blog Entries posted by proximagr

  1. proximagr
    Azure Managed Disks | Easy Scale, High Available, Secure
    Azure Managed Disks is almost five months old, start using it, its simple, easy to scale, high available and secure. As Microsoft says, “Let Azure take care of your disks”.
    The idea is simple, choose the performance tier and the size you want. After that you are free to change your mind! You can change the performance tier (yes, switch between SSD & HDD) and the size just with click.
    Lets get it started. First of all we need to enable the managed disks at the VM creation. Specifically at the third step select “Yes” at the “Use managed disks” setting. After that you don’t have to wary about storage account, Azure takes care of this.

    Once the VM is deployed, go to the VM’s blade and click “Disks” and “+ Add data disk”

    After that, the “Create managed disk” blade opens and there are some interesting settings to choose. Lets have a closer look.

    First choose a name for the Data Disk, choose a Resource Group and Account type. This is the performance tier, SSD or HDD.
    Next, at the Source type drop down menu, we can choose to create an empty disk, by selecting the None. Also, we can select to use a Snapshot that we have already created or a Storage blob to select a disk.

    After that it is the size. The Managed Disks have specific price, IOPS and price. Type the Size in Gigabytes and see the estimated performance instantly.
    You can find the details here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/managed-disks/
    Standard Managed Disks:

    All standard managed disks have 500 IOPS and 60MB/sec throughput
    Premium Managed Disks:

    And what happens with the existing VMs that have “classic” unmanaged disk? No worries, just a bit of PowerShell and you can convert that to managed disks.
    How to do it? First Stop the VM, not just show down, we need to Stop (Deallocate it). Then run just this line of PowerShell code:
    ConvertTo-AzureRmVMManagedDisk -ResourceGroupName rgname -VMName vmname
    Now some magic. SSD to HDD to SSD to HDD and go on!
    Lets say you have created a Standard disk, HDD, but now you need performance. Just go to the VM blade, first Stop the VM and then select the “Disks” find the disk and change the “Account type”

    Just save, and voila! you have SSD, from 500 IOPS to 5000 IOPS! Any time, you can Stop the VM and change the disk back to Standard (HDD)
    Some more magic? Click “Export” at the disk properties, set an expiration time and Generate URL. You need to Stop the VM first.

    A PUBLIC URL is generated. You can use it to download the VHD without having to login to the Portal.
    Create snapshot
    At the disk properties click “Crete snapshot”
    Enter a Name, select Resource group and Account type
    Now, under the Resources of the Resource Group you will find the Snapshot

    The post Azure Managed Disks | Easy Scale, High Available, Secure appeared first on Apostolidis IT Corner.
  2. proximagr
    SQL Failover Cluster with AlwaysOn Availability Groups
    Η ιδέα είναι να έχουμε ένα SQL Flailover Cluster στο Primary Site και στο υπάρχον Cluster να προσθέσουμε ένα AlwaysOn Availability group για το DR. Λόγο του μεγέθους της υλοποίησης θα γίνει τρία Posts. Ένα το Failover Cluster, ένα η εγκατάσταση της SQL σε Failover Clster και ένα η υλοποίηση του AlwaysON Availability Groups.
    Windows Server 2012 R2 Failover Cluster with FreeNAS 9.3 (Page 1, Page 2) Microsoft SQL 2012 on Failover Cluster (Page 1, Page 2, Page 3) Add AlwaysOn AG to SQL Failover Cluster Instance (Page 1, Page 2, Page 3)

    Windows Server 2012 R2 Failover Cluster with FreeNAS 9.3 (Page 2)

    Δίνουμε Cluster Name και IP

    Το αφήνουμε να προσθέσει όλο το διαθέσιμο storage και πατάμε next για να δημιουργηθεί το cluster

    Αν ο cluster validator είχε τελειώσει επιτυχώς τότε και το cluster θα δημιουργηθεί επιτυχώς

    Και voila έχουμε ένα όμορφο cluster

    Μπορείτε να δείτε ότι το cluster network 1 είναι cluster only και έχει το subnet που δώσαμε για heartbeat και το cluster network 2 που είναι cluster and client έχει το domain subnet

    Πηγή http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/%ce%b5%ce%bb%ce%bb%ce%b7%ce%bd%ce%b9%ce%ba%ce%ac/sql-failover-cluster-with-alwayson-ag/
  3. proximagr
    Microsoft Azure Nested Virtualization | VM in Nested VM in Azure VM
    After my main Microsoft Azure Nested Virtualization | Hyper-V VM inside Azure VM post, we saw two usage scenarios. One is running Hyper-V Replica and the other is running Web Server in nested VM on Azure. Now lets have some fun and try to run a VM nested inside a VM nested inside an Azure VM. As a fellow said, VM inception!
    We will use again the nested VM that we created at the Microsoft Azure Nested Virtualization | Hyper-V VM inside Azure VM post. First we need to run two commands, one command to enable the virtualization and one to enable the MAC address spoofing. More details you can find at the Nested Virtualization Microsoft article

    Set-VMProcessor -VMName <VMName> -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true
    Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName <VMName> | Set-VMNetworkAdapter -MacAddressSpoofing On

    After running the above commands we can go to the Server Manger and add the Hyper-V role.

    I just click next accepting all the defaults. One exception, I checked the NIC to use it for Virtual Switch.

    Finally we have a Hyper-V VM that is nested inside a Hyper-V VM that is nested inside an Azure VM

  4. proximagr
    <div class="text geshifilter-text">this is something very common lately and always I follow this post: <a href="http://windowsitpro.com/windows-server-2003-end-support/migrating-dhcp-server-2003-server-2012-r2">http://windowsitpro.com/windows-server-2003-end-support/migrating-dhcp-server-2003-server-2012-r2</a></div>
    <div class="text geshifilter-text"></div>
    <div class="geshifilter">
    <div class="text geshifilter-text">Netsh<br />DHCP<br />Server \<DHCP_2003_Server_IP_Address><br />Export c:export2k3dhcp-database all</div>
    <p>Performing this task will create a file in the c:export folder named 2k3dhcp-database</p>
    <p>Copy this file to the computer running Windows Server 2012 R2 that will function as the new DHCP server. You’ll need to install the DHCP server role on this computer and authorize the DHCP server in Active Directory before performing the following actions.</p>
    <p>Open an elevated command prompt and run the following commands (this assumes you’ve copied the file to a folder named c:import)</p>
    <div class="geshifilter">
    <div class="text geshifilter-text">Net stop DHCPserver<br />Del c:windowssystem32DHCPDHCP.mdb<br />Net start DHCPserver<br />Netsh<br />DHCP<br />Server \<DHCP_2012R2_Server_IP_Address><br />Import c:import2k3dhcp-database<br />Exit<br />Net stop DHCPserver<br />Net start DHCPserver</div>
    <div class="text geshifilter-text">source: <a href="http://windowsitpro.com/windows-server-2003-end-support/migrating-dhcp-server-2003-server-2012-r2">http://windowsitpro.com/windows-server-2003-end-support/migrating-dhcp-server-2003-server-2012-r2</a></div>
    <p><a class="a2a_button_email" href="http://www.addtoany.com/add_to/email?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.e-apostolidis.gr%2Fmicrosoft%2Fmigrating-dhcp-server-2003-server-2012-r2%2F&linkname=Migrating%20DHCP%20from%20Server%202003%20to%20Server%202012%20R2"title="Email" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/icons/email.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Email"/></a><a class="a2a_button_print" href="http://www.addtoany.com/add_to/print?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.e-apostolidis.gr%2Fmicrosoft%2Fmigrating-dhcp-server-2003-server-2012-r2%2F&linkname=Migrating%20DHCP%20from%20Server%202003%20to%20Server%202012%20R2" title="Print" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/icons/print.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Print"/></a><a class="a2a_dd a2a_target addtoany_share_save" href="https://www.addtoany.com/share#url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.e-apostolidis.gr%2Fmicrosoft%2Fmigrating-dhcp-server-2003-server-2012-r2%2F&title=Migrating%20DHCP%20from%20Server%202003%20to%20Server%202012%20R2" id="wpa2a_2"><img src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" height="16" alt="Share"/></a></p><p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/migrating-dhcp-server-2003-server-2012-r2/">Migrating DHCP from Server 2003 to Server 2012 R2</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr">Proxima's IT Corner</a>.</p>

    <a href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/migrating-dhcp-server-2003-server-2012-r2/"class='bbc_url' rel='nofollow external'>Source</a>
  5. proximagr
    Excited to be speaking at Microsoft Ignite The Tour in Milan on Jan 27-28. Join me to learn how to use Azure Platform As A Service (PaaS) to design your apps with Elasticity, Resiliency & High Availability and how to Accelerate your web applications with the Azure Front Door Service.
    IT industry-leading conference is going to Milan. Don’t miss the very latest in cloud technologies and developer tools with guest speakers, industry experts, and more.
    I will deliver two sessions:
    A 45 minutes Breakthrough session, where I will talk about how to use Azure Platform as a Service (PaaS): Design your apps with Elasticity, Resiliency and High Availability very easy, fast and secure. Session code: BRK30169
    Session link: https://milan.myignitetour.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/91113?source=sessions
    And a 15 minute Theater session, where I will talk about how to accelerate your web applications with Azure Front Door Service. Use the Azure WAN, 130+ edge sites with WAF & Layer 7 Load Balance at a global scale. Session code: THR30089
    Session link: https://milan.myignitetour.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/91114?source=sessions
    YFeel free to find me at the Microsoft Showcase, where I will answer all your questions, discuss about Cloud Technologies and the future of our industry!
    Grab your ticket at https://www.microsoft.com/it-it/ignite-the-tour/milan
    See you at Milan!

    The post Excited to be speaking at Microsoft Ignite The Tour in Milan! appeared first on Apostolidis IT Corner.
  6. proximagr
    Custom pfSense on Azure Rm | a complete guide
    A complete guide on how to create a pfSense VM on a local Hyper-V server, prepare it for Microsoft Azure, upload the disk to Azure and create a multi-NIC VM.
    Download the latest image from https://www.pfsense.org/download/

    Open Hyper-V Manager create a Generation 1 VM. I added 4096 ram, 2 cores, use VHD, add an extra NIC (for second interface) and select the downloaded ISO. (create a fixed VHD as Azure supports only fixed VHDs for custom VMs)

    Start the VM and at the first screen press enter.

    At all screens I accepted the default settings. Finally at the reboot prompt remove the installation ISO.
    There is no need to setup VLANs, select the second interface for WAN and the first for LAN.

    Once the pfSense is ready press 2 and change the LAN (hn0) interface IP to one at your network. Then select the option 14 to enable SSH.

    Now we can login with putty, with username admin password pfsense and press 8 for Shell access.

    The first thing is to update the packages running:
    pkg upgrade Python
    Then install Python, as it is requirement for the Azure Linux Agent.
    Search for Python packages running:
    pkg search python

    Install the latest Python package, setup tools and bash:
    pkg install -y python27-2.7.14
    pkg search setuptoolspkg install py27-setuptools-36.2.2ln -s /usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/bin/python2.7pkg install -y bash Azure Linux Agent
    ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/classic/freebsd-create-upload-vhd
    pkg install gitgit clone https://github.com/Azure/WALinuxAgent.gicd WALinuxAgentgit taggit checkout WALinuxAgent-2.1.1git checkout WALinuxAgent-2.0.16python setup.py installln -sf /usr/local/sbin/waagent /usr/sbin/waagent
    check the agent is running:
    waagent -Version

    One final step before uploading the VHD to Azure is to set the LAN interface as dhcp.
    This can be done by the web interface, go to https://lanaddress, login using admin / pfsense, and go to interfaces / LAN and select DHCPas ipv4 configuration.

    Now, shutdown the pfSense and upload it to Azure Storage.
    I use the Storage Explorer, https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/features/storage-explorer/ a free and powerful tool to manage Azure Storage. Login to your Azure Account and press Upload. Select as Blob type: “Page blob”

    After the upload is completed we can create a multiple NIC VM. This cannot be accomplished from GUI. We will create this using PowerShell.
    $ResourceGroupName = "******"$pfresourcegroup = "*******"$StorageAccountName = "******"$vnetname = "*****"$NSGname = "******"$location = "West Europe"$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name $vnetname -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName$backendSubnet = Get-AzureRMVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name default -VirtualNetwork $vnet$vmName="pfsense"$vmSize="Standard_F1"$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name $vnetname -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName$pubip = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name "PFPubIP" -ResourceGroupName $pfresourcegroup -Location $location -AllocationMethod Dynamic$nic1 = New-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name "EXPFN1NIC1" -ResourceGroupName $pfresourcegroup -Location $location -SubnetId $vnet.Subnets[0].Id -PublicIpAddressId $pubip.Id$nic2 = New-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name "EXPFN1NIC2" -ResourceGroupName $pfresourcegroup -Location $location -SubnetId $vnet.Subnets[0].Id$VM = New-AzureRmVMConfig -VMName $vmName -VMSize $vmSize$VM | Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk ` -VhdUri https://********.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/pfsensefix.vhd ` -Name pfsenseos -CreateOption attach -Linux -Caching ReadWrite$vm = Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -VM $vm -Id $nic1.Id$vm = Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -VM $vm -Id $nic2.Id$vm.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.Item(0).Primary = $trueNew-AzureRMVM -ResourceGroupName $pfresourcegroup -Location $locationName -VM $vm -Verbose
    Once the VM is created, go to the VM’s blade and scroll down to “Boot diagnostics”. There you can see a screenshot of the VM’s monitor.

    Then go to the Networking section and SSH to the Public IP.

    and also we can login to the Web Interface of the pfSense

    In my case I have added both NICs at the same Subnet, but at a production environment add the LAN interface to the backend subnet and the WAN interface to the DMZ (public) subnet.
    Of course more NICs can be added to the VM, one for each Subnet at our environment.Route external traffic through the pfSense
    We cannot change the gateway at an Azure VM, but we can use routing tables to route the traffic through the pfSense.
    From the Azure Portal, select New and search for Route table.

    We need to configure two things. One is to associate the Route table to a Subnet and the second is to create a Route.

    Open the “Route table” and click the “Routes”. Press “Add route” and in order to route all outbound traffic through the pfSense then add for Address prefix “”, next hop type Virtual appliance” and Net hop address the ip address of the pfSense’s LAN interface IP.

    Then go to the “Subnets” and associate the required subnets.

    The post Custom pfSense on Azure Rm | a complete guide appeared first on Apostolidis IT Corner.

  7. proximagr
    File Server in-place Domain Migration
    When migrating to a new domain a major part is the file server, especially if there are a lot of data and different permissions.
    Thankfully Microsoft has a very helpful tool called SubInACL. This tool can be used to read and update security permissions and is much helpful for file server in-place domain migration. The tool can be downloaded here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=23510
    But after searching a lot there is not a specific guide that someone has followed and worked. So I started testing and came up with the following steps that worked for me:
    Open an elevated Command Prompt window and navigate to the folder containing the subinacl.exe Export the permissions of the drive’s root:
    subinacl /noverbose /output=C:permissionsE.txt /file E: Export the permissions of the all subfolders and files:
    subinacl /noverbose /output=C:permissionsEsub.txt /subdirectories E: Copy the contents of the “permissionsE.txt” to the start of the “permissionsEsub.txt” file. Open the “permissionsEsub.txt” file and replace the old domain name with the new domain name. View the shares:
    net view computername Export the shares’ permissions:
    subinacl /noverbose /output=C:shares.txt /share \computernamefileshare Disjoin and join the Server to the new domain Import the NTFS permissions
    Subinacl /playfile C:permissionsEsub.txt Import the shares’ permissions:
    Subinacl /playfile C:shares.txt

    Some commends from the field
    The export process is very fast but the import process takes much longer time.
    The subinacl process is single threaded (uses only one core) so in order to speed up the whole process you can split the permissions file and run it multiple times on different command prompt windows. Every subinacl.exe will create a single process that will use one core so if you have four cores create four processes.
    The import process completely removes the permissions and applies the new ones. So no User IDs will stay at the files/folders.

    The post File Server in-place Domain Migration appeared first on Proxima's IT Corner.
  8. proximagr
    Azure File Sync & DFS Namespace
    Azure File Sync is a new Azure feature, still in preview, that allows to sync a folder between your local file server and Azure Files. This way your files are accessible both locally at your file server and publicly at Azure Files using an SMB 3.0 client. Also the files can be protected online using Azure Backup.
    The idea of this post is to have the files of two file servers to sync to Azure Files using Azure File Sync and in addition use the DFS Namespace feature to achieve common name and availability. This is not something officially supported, it is just an idea on using two different technologies to help for a service.
    The requirement before starting the Azure File Sync is to create an Azure File share. We have covered this at a previews post, check here
    Once the Azure Files share is ready, proceed with the Azure File Sync resource. At the Azure Portal press New and search for it and create it.

    At the Deploy Storage Sync blade select a name for the Resource, subscription, resource group and location.

    When the Azure File Sync is ready we need to create a Sync group. Sync group is something like the DFS Replication Group. It is a group that consists of an Azure File Share and many local file servers that syncs a folder.

    Press “+Sync group” it will open the new “Sync group” blade. There provide a name for the Sync group and select the storage account and the Azure File Share created before.

    The Sharegroup is ready with the cloud endpoint. The next step is to add the first local file server.Register the local servers
    Navigate to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/files/storage-sync-files-server-registration for information on how to download the agent, install it and register the server. After that press “Add server endpoint”

    At the “Add server endpoint” blade, select the registered server and add the path to the folder that has the data you want to sync. With Cloud Tiering you select a percent of the volume of the local server. When the capacity of the volume reaches this number then Azure File Share makes the files that are less frequently accessed cloud only. The file icon on the server get transparent and if anyone double clicks the file then it is downloaded instantly.

    Register the second server the same way as the first and finally the share group will have two server endpoints. At my example the second server had no data, just the folder, and the Azure File Sync synced all files from server A.
    Create a DFS Namespace
    The next step is to create a DFS Namespace, just the namespace with the two local servers. Add the folders of both servers and you are ready.

    Also if you browse the Azure File Share, all files are accessible

    Notes from the field
    Adding or changing a file at the first server, almost instantly replicates to Azure File Share and to the second server.
    Altering a file at both servers instantly it will keep the last accessed by timestamp as is and the other file will be renamed by adding the server name at the file name, as the example “enaneoarxeio-AzureFS2.txt” where AzureFS2 is the server name.
    You can add an Azure Backup and have a Cloud Backup of all your files.
    The post Azure File Sync & DFS Namespace appeared first on Apostolidis IT Corner.

  9. proximagr
    Azure VM Backup directly from VM’s blade

    By Pantelis Apostolidis | December 28, 2016
    0 Comment
    Azure VM Backup directly from VM’s blade
    Azure makes the VMs’ administration simpler every time. Today we will view a very nice new feature, the Backup shortcut at the VM’s blade.
    Just click on the VM and select Backup

    All you have to configure is the Backup Vault name and the Backup policy at the next easy step and press Enable Backup at the bottom of the “Enable backup” blade and that’s all!!

    Now the next time that we will click the Backup shortcut it will show directly the VM’s Backup Settings and run an instant backup. After the first backup we will be able to Restore the VM and also see logging about the backup jobs, like the latest and oldest restore point among others.

    Stay tuned for more Azure features
  10. proximagr
    How to disconnect a mailbox & re-assign it to new user in a Hybrid Scenario
    Scenario objectives: We have an Exchange Hybrid setup between on-premises and Exchange Online (Office 365). All users are synced and the mailbox is located at Exchange Online.
    We need to separate an existing mailbox from its user account and re-connect this mailbox to a new user account. If the mailbox in this scenario was located at the on-premises Exchange it would be an easy process just using the Exchange Management Console. But in a Hybrid scenario, the process includes many steps since the mailbox is not directory conencted to the Active Directory user account but it is conected to the Azure AD Synced User Account.
    For the ease of the guide we will name the Existing User Account: OLDUSER and the New User Account: NEWUSER.
    We will disconnect the Exchange Online Mailbox from the OLDUSER and connect it to the NEWUSER.
    Step 1.
    At the on-premises Active Directory, at an OU that is not synced with Azure AD, create the new user account. The “NEWUSER”. Ensure that you do not enter nothing at the email field. Just a user account with no email attributes.
    Step 2.
    Move the “OLDUSER” to an OU that is not synced with Azure AD
    Step 3.
    Run a Delta Sync. Go to the server that the AD Connect is installed, open the PowerShell and run “Start-ADSyncSyncCycle”
    Step 4.
    We need to get the GUID of the NEWUSER. To do so login to a Domain Controller, open PowerShell and run:



    [system.convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Aduser NEWUSER).objectGUid.ToByteArray())

    Copy the GUID to a Notepad
    Step 5.
    Open the Office 365 Admin Center and Restore the deleted user “OLDUSER”
    Go to Users –> Deleted Users –> Select the user “OLDUSER” –>Click Restore

    Step 6.
    Connect to Azure AD and set the GUID of the “NEWUSER” to the Office 365 “OLD USER”. Details for connecting to Azure AD “https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn975125.aspx“






    Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName [email protected] -ImmutableId vMZGJpW6CUGY09bduJ5dlw==

    Step 5.
    Open the Office 365 Admin Center and Delete the old user “OLDUSER”
    Go to Users –> Active users –> Select the “OLDUSER” –> click Delete user

    Step 6.
    Clean the on-premises Active Directory account of the old user “OLDUSER” from all attributes that will be added to the new user, like Proxy addresses, Target, address, Alias name, nickname etc.
    Step 7.
    Make the “NEWUSER” user account a Remote Mailbox object
    At the on-premises Exchange, open the Exchange Management Shell and run:



    Enable-RemoteMailbox -Identity NEWUSER -DisplayName "NEW USER" -RemoteRoutingAddress [email protected] -Alias newuser [email protected]
    Step 8.
    Move the “NEWUSER” to an OU that is Synced with Azure AD and run a Delta Sync like Step 3.
    After that the “NEWUSER” active directory account will be connected with the “OLDUSER” Exchange Online mailbox and all attributes of the Exchange Online mailbox will be replaced with the “NEWUSER’s” values.
    I suppose there are other ways, maybe easier, to accomplish this task, but following this process you will have the desired result without problems.

  11. proximagr
    Azure Backup Reports
    A new feature is in public preview, the Azure Backup Reports. Now we can have the Azure Backup Reports at the OMS Workspace, Event Hub and Power Bi. You can use Power BI to view report dashboard, download reports and create custom reports
    The configuration has two steps, one to configure the Azure Backup Reports connection with each service and the other is to get the data at each service.
    First go to a Recovery Services vault and select Backup Reports. Next press the Configure button.

    The Diagnostic settings blade will open. Change the Status to “On” and select the desired services to collect the Azure Backup Logs.

    For the Power Bi integration we need a Storage account. So check the “Archive to storage account” option and select a storage account. The storage account must be at the same region as the Azure Backup account.

    To integrate with OMS check the “Send to Log Analytics” option and select an OMS Workspace.

    An other option is to stream the Azure Backup logs to event hub. To configure it check the “Stream to an event hub” and select the event hub namespace and policy name.

    At the bottom part of the configuration blade select the Logs that you want to get. The retention days option is only for the Storage Account configuration.

    Press save and return to the Backup reports blade. Now press the “Sign in” to connect to Power Bi to configure the Service.

    At the lower left corner of the Power Bi Portal press “Get Data”

    At the AppSource press the “Get” button under the Services.

    Search and select the “Azure Backup”

    At the connect to Azure Backup page enter the Storage Account name. This is the storage account that we selected at the Azure Backup Reports configuration.

    Press next and Save. Now the Azure Backup workspace is ready. Be patient, it needs time to start reporting data.

    If you go back to the Azure Portal, the Backup Reports blade has changed and it only has the option to connect to your Power Bi dashboard.

    If you browse to your Power Bi dashboard, you can view the Azure Backup Reports Workspace as the below image.

    For the OMS integration, you only need to go to the Log Search and query “Category=”AzureBackupReport” and you will have all the Azure Backup Report logs. Following the OMS logic you can create a custom View, you can follow this post: Azure Log Analytics

  12. proximagr
    Azure File Sync & DFS Namespace
    Azure File Sync is a new Azure feature, still in preview, that allows to sync a folder between your local file server and Azure Files. This way your files are accessible both locally at your file server and publicly at Azure Files using an SMB 3.0 client. Also the files can be protected online using Azure Backup.
    The idea of this post is to have the files of two file servers to sync to Azure Files using Azure File Sync and in addition use the DFS Namespace feature to achieve common name and availability. This is not something officially supported, it is just an idea on using two different technologies to help for a service.
    The requirement before starting the Azure File Sync is to create an Azure File share. We have covered this at a previews post, check here
    Once the Azure Files share is ready, proceed with the Azure File Sync resource. At the Azure Portal press New and search for it and create it.

    At the Deploy Storage Sync blade select a name for the Resource, subscription, resource group and location.

    When the Azure File Sync is ready we need to create a Sync group. Sync group is something like the DFS Replication Group. It is a group that consists of an Azure File Share and many local file servers that syncs a folder.

    Press “+Sync group” it will open the new “Sync group” blade. There provide a name for the Sync group and select the storage account and the Azure File Share created before.

    The Sharegroup is ready with the cloud endpoint. The next step is to add the first local file server. Register the local servers
    Navigate to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/files/storage-sync-files-server-registrationfor information on how to download the agent, install it and register the server. After that press “Add server endpoint”

    At the “Add server endpoint” blade, select the registered server and add the path to the folder that has the data you want to sync. With Cloud Tiering you select a percent of the volume of the local server. When the capacity of the volume reaches this number then Azure File Share makes the files that are less frequently accessed cloud only. The file icon on the server get transparent and if anyone double clicks the file then it is downloaded instantly.

    Register the second server the same way as the first and finally the share group will have two server endpoints. At my example the second server had no data, just the folder, and the Azure File Sync synced all files from server A.
    Create a DFS Namespace
    The next step is to create a DFS Namespace, just the namespace with the two local servers. Add the folders of both servers and you are ready.

    Also if you browse the Azure File Share, all files are accessible

    Notes from the field
    Adding or changing a file at the first server, almost instantly replicates to Azure File Share and to the second server.
    Altering a file at both servers instantly it will keep the last accessed by timestamp as is and the other file will be renamed by adding the server name at the file name, as the example “enaneoarxeio-AzureFS2.txt” where AzureFS2 is the server name.
    You can add an Azure Backup and have a Cloud Backup of all your files.
  13. proximagr
    Puppet On Azure Επειδή η τεχνολογία είναι ένα ποτάμι που ποτέ δεν σταματάει… και το μικρόβιο μας δεν έχει θεραπεία, ο Παντελής Αποστολίδης (IT Pro) από την Office Line και ο Μάνος Πέπης (DEV) από την Innovative Ideas με αρκετά χρόνια εμπειρίας στην αγορά και αρκετές πιστοποιήσεις σε τεχνολογίες Microsoft, Cisco, Azure, κλπ. σκεφτήκαμε να […]
    The post Puppet On Azure | Βήμα 1, Προετοιμασία Azure appeared first on Proxima's IT Corner.

  14. proximagr
    <div>– These are listed OBJECT first, then COUNTER</div>
    <div>– Memory – Available MBytes</div>
    <div>– Paging File – % Usage</div>
    <div>– Physical Disk – Avg. Disk sec/Read</div>
    <div>– Physical Disk – Avg. Disk sec/Write</div>
    <div>– Physical Disk – Disk Reads/sec</div>
    <div>– Physical Disk – Disk Writes/sec</div>
    <div>– Processor – % Processor Time</div>
    <div>– SQLServer: General Statistics – User Connections</div>
    <div>– SQLServer: Memory Manager – Memory Grants Pending</div>
    <div>– SQLServer: SQL Statistics – Batch Requests/sec</div>
    <div>– SQLServer: SQL Statistics – Compilations/sec</div>
    <div>– SQLServer: SQL Statistics – Recompilations/sec</div>
    <div>– System – Processor Queue Length</div>
    <p><a class="a2a_button_email" href="http://www.addtoany.com/add_to/email?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.e-apostolidis.gr%2Fmicrosoft%2Fservers%2Fsql-server-performance-monitor-counters%2F&linkname=SQL%20Server%20Performance%20Monitor%20Counters"title="Email" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/icons/email.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Email"/></a><a class="a2a_button_print" href="http://www.addtoany.com/add_to/print?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.e-apostolidis.gr%2Fmicrosoft%2Fservers%2Fsql-server-performance-monitor-counters%2F&linkname=SQL%20Server%20Performance%20Monitor%20Counters" title="Print" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/icons/print.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Print"/></a><a class="a2a_dd a2a_target addtoany_share_save" href="https://www.addtoany.com/share#url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.e-apostolidis.gr%2Fmicrosoft%2Fservers%2Fsql-server-performance-monitor-counters%2F&title=SQL%20Server%20Performance%20Monitor%20Counters" id="wpa2a_2"><img src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" height="16" alt="Share"/></a></p><p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/servers/sql-server-performance-monitor-counters/">SQL Server Performance Monitor Counters</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr">Proxima's IT Corner</a>.</p>

    <a href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/servers/sql-server-performance-monitor-counters/"class='bbc_url' rel='nofollow external'>Source</a>
  15. proximagr
    Azure App Service, get data from on-premises databases securely
    There are many scenarios where we want to have the Web Application on the Cloud but on the other hand, due to various limitations, the database stays on-premises. Azure has a service, called Azure Hybrid Connections, that allows the Web App to connect to on-premises databases, using internal IP address or the database server host name, without a complex VPN setup.
    The Connection diagram

    I have tested the connection with Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, mongodb and Oracle. The databse requirements is to have a static port. So the first step in case of a Microsoft SQL instance is to assign a static port. In my test environment I have a Microsoft SQL 2016 and I assigned the default port 1433, using the Sql Server Configuration Manager / SQL Server Network Configuration / Protocols for INSTANCENAME (MSSQLSERVER)

    All paid service plans supports hybrid connections. The limits are on how many hybrid connections can be used per plan, as the below table shows. Pricing plan Number of Hybrid Connections usable in the plan Basic 5 Standard 25 Premium 200 Isolated 200
    To start creating the Hybrid Connections, go to the App Service / Networking / Hybrid Connections and press the “Configure your hybrid connection endpoints”

    At the Hybrid connections blade there are two steps, the first is to “Add hybrid connection” and the second is to “Download the connection manager”.

    First click the “Add hybrid connection” and then press “Create new hybrid connection”

    The “Create new hybrid connection” blade will open. Add a Hybrid connection name, this must be at least 6 characters and it is the display name of the connection. At the Endpoint host add the hostname of the database server and at the Endpoint port, the port of the database. At my case I added 1433, as this is the port I assign to my SQL instance before.
    Finally you will need to specify a name for a Servicebus namespace. As you realize, the hybrid connection uses Azure Servicebus for the communication, and press OK.

    Once the connection is created it will be shown at the portal as “Not connected”

    Now we need to download and install the hybrid connection manager by clicking the “Download connection manager”. For this test I will install the hybrid connection manager at the same server as the SQL database, but for a production environment it is recommended to install the hybrid connection manager to a different server that will have access to the database servers only to the required ports. For the best security install it to a DMZ server and open only the required ports to the database servers.
    Run the downloaded msi and just click Install.

    Open the “Hybrid connection manager” UI and press “Add a new Hybrid Connection.

    Sign in to your Azure account

    Once logged in, choose your Subscription and the hybrid connection configured previously will appear. Select it and press Save.

    Now at the connection manager status it will show “Connnected”

    The same at the Azure Portal and your Hybrid connection is ready.

    Test, test, test and proof of concept. Open the Console, form the Wep App Blade, and tcpping the SQL server’s hostname atthe port 1433

    and also sqlcmd

  16. proximagr
    <p>Open the Office 365 Exchange Administration Console and go to Recipients > Migration > More > Migration endpoints and click on the plus sign to add a new endpoint.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme1.png"><imgclass="alignnone size-full wp-image-1002" src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme1.png" alt="cme1" width="867" height="275" srcset="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme1.png 867w, http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme1-300x95.png 300w, http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme1-768x244.png 768w, http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme1-660x209.png 660w" sizes="(max-width: 867px) 100vw, 867px" /></a></p>
    <p>Select the type of migration endpoint (Outlook Anywhere) and enter the details requested:</p>
    <li>An email address that will be migrated – this is used to test mailbox access during configuration</li>
    <li>Account with privileges – usually a Domain Administrator, but it can be another user, in which case you must assign permissions as specified here</li>
    <li>The privileged account you specify will be used to autodiscover the connection settings and test access to the mailbox specified above.</li>
    <p>Click next and verify that the correct details have been populated in the next dialogue box:</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme2.png"><imgclass="alignnone size-full wp-image-1003" src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme2.png" alt="cme2" width="335" height="325" srcset="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme2.png 335w, http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme2-300x291.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 335px) 100vw, 335px" /></a></p>
    <p>Now that the endpoint has been tested you just need to define values for the number of concurrent migrations and supply a descriptive name for the endpoint.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme3.png"><imgclass="alignnone size-full wp-image-1004" src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme3.png" alt="cme3" width="352" height="292" srcset="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme3.png 352w, http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cme3-300x249.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 352px) 100vw, 352px" /></a></p>
    <p> </p>
    <p><a class="a2a_button_email" href="http://www.addtoany.com/add_to/email?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.e-apostolidis.gr%2Fmicrosoft%2Foffice-365%2Fcreate-migration-endpoint-cutover-staging-migration%2F&linkname=Create%20migration%20endpoint%20%7C%20%28Cutover%20%26%20Staging%20Migration%29"title="Email" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/icons/email.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Email"/></a><a class="a2a_button_print" href="http://www.addtoany.com/add_to/print?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.e-apostolidis.gr%2Fmicrosoft%2Foffice-365%2Fcreate-migration-endpoint-cutover-staging-migration%2F&linkname=Create%20migration%20endpoint%20%7C%20%28Cutover%20%26%20Staging%20Migration%29" title="Print" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/icons/print.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Print"/></a><a class="a2a_dd a2a_target addtoany_share_save" href="https://www.addtoany.com/share#url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.e-apostolidis.gr%2Fmicrosoft%2Foffice-365%2Fcreate-migration-endpoint-cutover-staging-migration%2F&title=Create%20migration%20endpoint%20%7C%20%28Cutover%20%26%20Staging%20Migration%29" id="wpa2a_2"><img src="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" height="16" alt="Share"/></a></p><p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/office-365/create-migration-endpoint-cutover-staging-migration/">Create migration endpoint | (Cutover & Staging Migration)</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr">Proxima's IT Corner</a>.</p>

    <a href="http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/office-365/create-migration-endpoint-cutover-staging-migration/"class='bbc_url' rel='nofollow external'>Source</a>
  17. proximagr
    Azure VM CMD & PowerShell from the Portal
    Today I was trying to troubleshoot an Azure VM. This VM is behind a Network Virtual Appliance (NVA) and at the subnet it has User Defined Routes (UDR) that routes the traffic to the NVA. We was troubleshooting the NVA and it was not possible to connect with RDP to the VM. Serial Console
    This is an excellent scenario to use the Serial Console. From the Azure Portal, portal.azure.com, navigate to the Azure VMs blade, scroll down to the Support + Troubleshooting section and select “Serial Console”

    The Serial Console will initialise and after a while it will establish the connection and the prompt will be the SAC>. If you encounter any errors establishing the SAC link, please follow this link: https://aka.ms/serialconsolewindows
    At the SAC> prompt press help to list the available commands.

    Using the i command we can get the IP Address configuration of the VM
    Command Prompt
    To create a command prompt session, first enter “cmd”. This will create a session.

    To list the cmd sessions press “ch”

    to select & login to a cmd session press “ch -si #” where # is the channel number. At the below screen press Enter

    At the next screen enter the admin credentials

    and we have Command Prompt. At this command prompt we can use all cmd commands.

    Some examples:
    ping -t

    at the command prompt enter “powershell” and press Enter to open a PowerShell Session

    PowerShell example, disable windows firewall:
    Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Public,Private -Enabled False

    and yes, its off

    of course, for the firewall we could disable it using CMD
    netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
    For more example commands follow this link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/troubleshooting/serial-console-cmd-ps-commands
  18. proximagr
    Bulletproof manage your Azure VMs
    Continuing the Azure Security Center posts, today we will see a new feature of the Security Center, called Just in Time VM Access.
    As best security practice, all the management ports of a Virtual Machine should be closed using Network Security Groups. Only the ports required for any published services should be opened, if any.
    However there are many occasions that we are requested to open a management port for administration or a service port for some tests for short time. This action has two major problems, first it requires a lot of administration time, because the administrator must go to the Azure Portal and add a rule at the VM’s NSG. The second problem is that many time the port is forgotten open and this is a major vulnerability since the majority of the Brute Force attacks are performed to the management ports, 22 and 3389.
    Here comes the Azure Security Center, with the Just in Time VM Access feature. With this feature we can use the RBAC of the azure Portal and allow specific users to Request a predefined port to be opened for a short time frame. JIT Configuration
    Lets see how we configure the JIT. First we need to go to the Azure Security Center. Scroll down to the ADVANCED CLOUD DEFENSE and click the “Just in time VM Access”. Since it is at a Preview you need to press the “Try Just in time VM access”

    After we enable JIT, the window displays tree tabs, the Configured, the Recommended and the No recommendation. The Configured tab displays the Virtual Machines that we have already enabled JIT. The recommended are VMs that have NSGs and are recommended to be enabled for JIT. The No recommendation are Classic VMs or VMs that don’t have attached NSG.

    To enable JIT for a VM, go to the Recommended tab, select one or more VMs and press “Enable JIT on x VMs”

    At the “JIT VM access configuration” the Security Center proposes rule with the default management ports. We can add other ports that we need and also remove any of them that are unnecessary.
    At each rule we can configure the Port, the Protocol, the Source IP and the Maximum request time.
    If we leave the “Allowed source IPs” to “Per request” then we allow the requester to decide. One very interesting setting here is that when a user requests access it has the option to allow only the Public IP that he is using at that time automatically.
    With the last option, the “Max request time” we narrow down the maximum time that we will allow a port to be opened.

    After we configure all the parameters we click Save and the VM moves to the Configured tab. At any time we can change the configuration by selecting the VM, press the three dots at the end of the line (…) and click Edit.

    The Propertied button opens the VM’s blade, the Activity log shows all the users that requested access and the Remove of course disabled the JIT. Behind the scene
    What really happens to the VM? if you browse to the NSG that is attached to the VM you will see that all the port rules configured at the JIT are added as NSG Rules with lower priority than all the other rules. All other rules automatically changed priority to higher.

    Lets see how we request access and what happens in the background. To request access go to the Security Center / JIT , select the VM and press “Request Access”

    At the “Request access” blade switch on the desired port, select “My IP” or “IP Range” and the Timerange, all according to the JIT configuration of the VM. Finally press “Open Ports”

    At the above example I select “My IP” so if you go to the VM’s NSG you will see that the 3389 port rule changed to “Allow” and for Source has my current Public IP. Also it moved at first priority.

    After the expiration of the time rage the port will change to “Deny” and move back to its prior priority.
  19. proximagr
    Καλησπέρα στην κοινότητα. Μια ακόμα αναμέτρηση με το τέρας του Exchange. Έχουμε και λέμε, εγκατάσταση με Exchange Server 2010, έχω ρυθμίσει Hybrid με Office 365, DirSync, όλα καλά. Έχουν πάει επάνω users, contacts, distribution groups, mail contacts, έχω περάσει και Mail-Enabled Public Folders όλα καλά. Έλα όμως που στα Distribution Group members ενώ έχουν συγχρονίσει όλα τα members δεν έχει φέρει τους Mail-Enabled Public Folders. Τελικά μετά από ψάξιμο και διάφορα περίπλοκα PowerShell scripts είπα να δοκιμάσω απλά και όμορφα και μάλιστα μέσο GUI το εξής:
    Έφτιαξα ένα Mail Contact, του άλλαξα το TargetAddress να είναι ίδιο με του Mail-Enabled Public Folder, το έβαλα member στο Distribution Group, force DirSync και voilà, έχουμε mail delivery στο Public Folder!!!!
    Τώρα Step-By-Step:
    Ας πούμε ότι ο Mail-Enabled PF είναι mypublicfolder και το Email Address είναι [email protected]
    1. Ανοίξτε το Exchange Management Console
    2. Πηγαίνουμε “Receipient Configuration” / “Mail Contact” / “New Mail Contact”

    3. Επιλέγουμε“New Contact” & click Next
    4. Δίνω ένα όνομα που να θυμίζει τον Public Folder, εγώ έβαλα ένα -O365 στο τέλος:
    Name: mypublicfolder-O365
    Alias: mypublicfolder-O365
    External e-mail address: [email protected]

    5. Click Next, New & τελικά Finish για να δημιουργηθεί Mail Contact
    6. Ανοίγουμε Active Directory Users & Computers
    7. Από το menu στο “View” κάνουμε check το “Advanced Features”
    8. Πάμε στο container που είναι ο Mail Contact, τον επιλέγουμε και με διπλό click ανοίγουμε properties
    9. Πάμε στην καρτέλα “Attribute Editor” και βρίσκουμε το “TargetAddress”

    10.Κάνουμε Editκαι αλλάζουμε την διεύθυνση με αυτήν του Mail-Enable Public Folders , στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση βάζουμε: SMTP:[email protected]

    11. Κάνουμε Click OK, Apply και OK για να κλείσουμε το properties.
    12. Πάμε πίσω στο Exchange Management Console και πάμε στο “Reciepient Configuration” / “Distribution Group”

    13.Βρίσκουμε το Distribution Group και προσθέτουμε το Mail-Contact σαν μέλος
    14. Περιμένουμε το DirSync να κάνει ένα full sync ή κάνουμε force και τέλος.
  20. proximagr
    Azure VM Image
    Following one of my earlier posts, about Azure Managed Disks, lets see how easy it is to create an Azure VM Image from an Azure VM that uses Managed Disks.
    The first step it to Sysprep/Generalize the source VM. Otherwise the VM that will be created will not start. Select Generalize and “Shutdown”.

    After that wait the VM to shut down and go to the Azure Porta, at the VM’s blade and click “Capture”.

    Now, the “Create Image” blade will open. Enter a name, select a Resource Group and choose if the source VM will be deleted or not. Then press create.

    As soon as the Image is created you can find it at the “Images” service.

    Now lets create a VM from our Image
    Click the image name from the Images Blade to open the desired image Blade and just press “Create VM”.
    Of course at the image’s blade we can see if the image is Windows or Linux, if it has any Data Disks and the Location.

    After clicking the “Create VM” the classic “Create virtual machine” wizard will start, just like any other Virtual Machine creation. You will notice the difference at the final step that shows the name of your image instead of the VM’s OS.

    If you want to automate the process of creating an Azure VM from your images you can use Azure Template. You can find a quick start template at Azure’s GitHub repository.
    Create a Virtual Machine from a User Image: https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/101-vm-from-user-image
  21. proximagr
    Microsoft Azure Nested Virtualization | Web Server
    At my previous post, Microsoft Azure Nested Virtualization | Hyper-V VM inside Azure VM, I described how to create a Hyper-V VM inside an Azure VM with the new Dv3 and Ev3 VM sizes. Now we will see how to use a Hyper-V Nested VM as a Web Server that is hidden behind the Azure VM to secure access to your web application.
    Starting we will add the IIS Role at the Nested VM. Go to the Server Manager, add Roles and Features and select the Web Server (IIS) Role.

    Select the Features that your application requires and Install.
    After that we will need to Forward the required ports to the Nested VMs. To accomplish this we will need to use PowerShell.
    At my previews post I created a NAT in order to have network communication between the Host and the Nested VM. We will use that NAT to forward the port 80 and 443 to the Nested VM.
    At the Host Azure VM open the PowerShell and rum:


    From the results we can see the NAT Name.

    Now we can create the Rules:



    Add-NetNatStaticMapping -NatName "NVMNat" -Protocol TCP -ExternalIPAddress -InternalIPAddress -InternalPort 80 -ExternalPort 80
    Add-NetNatStaticMapping -NatName "NVMNat" -Protocol TCP -ExternalIPAddress -InternalIPAddress -InternalPort 443 -ExternalPort 443

    A final step is to create a rule at the Azure VM’s NSG to allow port 80 & 443 and also open the ports at the Windows Firewall on both the Host and the Nested VMs.

    Finally we can browse to the Public IP of the Azure VM and see the IIS Welcome Page of the Nested VM.

    Just add an https binding to the IIS default website and also browse at the https page.

    Stay tuned for more usage scenarios for the Microsoft Azure Nested Virtualization!
  22. proximagr
    Puppet On Azure Εγκατάσταση Open Source Puppet Βήμα 1 Σύνδεση στο Ubuntu ανοίγουμε έναν SSH client, στην προκειμένη περίπτωση PuTTY και δίνουμε για Host Name το Public όνομα του Cloud Service, στην προκειμένη περίπτωση openpuppetlab.cloudapp.net, δίνουμε την πόρτα 30021 που έχουμε ορίσει για το puppetmaster και πατάμε Open Κάνουμε login με το username & password […]
    The post Puppet On Azure | Βήμα 2, Εγκατάσταση Open Source Puppet appeared first on Proxima's IT Corner.

  23. proximagr
    SQL Failover Cluster with AlwaysOn Availability Groups Αυτό είναι το δεύτερο Post της τριλογίας SQL Failover Cluster with AlwaysOn Availability Groups. Είναι η ώρα της SQL. Windows Server 2012 R2 Failover Cluster with FreeNAS 9.3 Microsoft SQL 2012 on Failover Cluster Add AlwaysOn AG to SQL Failover Cluster Instance Microsoft SQL 2012 on Failover Cluster Για […]
    The post Microsoft SQL 2012 on Failover Cluster appeared first on Proxima's IT Corner.

  24. proximagr
    SQL Failover Cluster with AlwaysOn Availability Groups Πάμε τώρα για το τελευταίο κομμάτι του lab, να προσθέσουμε AlwaysOn Availability Group στο υπάρχον SQL WSFC. Windows Server 2012 R2 Failover Cluster with FreeNAS 9.3 Microsoft SQL 2012 on Failover Cluster Add AlwaysOn AG to SQL Failover Cluster Instance Add AlwaysOn AG to SQL Failover Cluster Instance […]
    The post Add AlwaysOn AG to SQL Failover Cluster Instance appeared first on Proxima's IT Corner.

  25. proximagr
    Puppet On Azure Εγκατάσταση & Παραμετροποίηση του FOREMAN για να έχουμε γραφικό περιβάλλον μέσω WEB Το Open Puppet δεν έχει γραφικό περιβάλλον στην βασική του εγκατάσταση. Υπάρχουν μερικά open source προγράμματα τα οποία μπορούν να προτεθούν στο Puppet Master και να μας προσφέρουν γραφικό περιβάλλον. Ένα από τα καλύτερα είναι το Foreman. Με το Foreman […]
    The post Puppet On Azure | Βήμα 5, FOREMAN appeared first on Proxima's IT Corner.

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