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Everything posted by skok

  1. H είδηση σε τίτλους : - Internet Explorer 9: "11 times faster than IE8" - Internet Explorer 9: Beta release this September - Fourth IE9 Platform Preview Available for Developers - Acid3 95/100 - Chakra Vibes : Περισσότερα εδώ
  2. Download Exchange 2010 Help (Περιέχει σε chm file όλο το Help Content του Exchange 2010) Download Exchange 2010 SP1 Beta Help (Περιέχει σε chm file όλο το Beta Help Content του Exchange 2010 SP1) Download Exchange 2007 SP3 Help ( (Περιέχει σε chm file όλο το Help Content του Exchange 2007 SP3)
  3. Δες και αυτό το post http://autoexec.gr/forums/2/10565/ShowThread.aspx
  4. NDR List of Codes and their meanings από BlackTrack Blackman Blog
  5. Arkadios προφανώς αν δεν είναι ο ένας απο τους Mail Servers σου σε RBL list τότε θα πρέπει να δεις τις ρυθμίσεις που έχεις στους Exchange και στα αντίστοινα DNS PTR Records. Ποιος απο τους 2 Servers δεν έχει SMTP Reverse DNS Record . Ο Exchange 2000 ή ο 2007? Εχεις τα αντίστοιχα ΜΧ & Α Records σωστά και για τους 2 Exchange ? Check τα αρθρα http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb124896(EXCHG.80).aspx http://support.microsoft.com/kb/300171/en-us Πρέπει να δημιουργήσεις και το άλλο PTR Record και να ελέγχεις αν αυτά τα Reverse Records είναι resolved από εξωτερικούς DNS Servers. Επίσης στα e-mails που στέλνεις και τελικά δεν πηγαίνουν στο yahoo πρέπει να σου απαντάει o Server με ένα NDR e-mail .Σε ρωτήσαμε ποιο είναι αυτό το NDR e-mail που λαμβάνεις . Δωσε το NDR error message & number. Στο gmail και στο hotmail όταν στέλνεις e-mails πηγαίνουν ή αντιμετωπίζεις το ίδιο πρόβλημα ? Προφάνως πρέπει να δεις το routing που ακολουθούνε τα e-mails σου . Τα e-mails τελικά από ποιον servers δρομολογούνται στο yahoo από τον Exchange 2000 ή τον Exchange 2007 ? όπως σε ρώτησα και σε προηγούμενο post μου αν κάνεις stopped το SMTP στόν ένα Exchange μπορείς να στείλεις e-mails στο yahoo ? και μου απάντησες "Το εκανα με τον παλιο exch αλλα δεν δουλευει μεμωνομενα ο νεος. Χάνω την συνδεση " To μόνο που μπορώ να πω έιναι να ελεγχεις την δρομολόγηση των e-mails σου και τα Reverse Records . Πιστεύω ότι όταν λαμβάνεις e-mails από yahoo τα παίρνεις στον Exchnage που έχεις σωστό PTR & MX Record και είναι resolved & cached σε όλους τους DNS ένω όταν στέλνεις e-mail φεύγει από τον Exchange που έχεις λάθος και καθόλου PTR και γίνεται reject από yahoo. Μπορείς να το έλεγχεις αυτό από το Message Tracking του Exchange 2000/2007 και από τα logs του smtp. Check τα άρθρα How to enable message tracking in Exchange 2000 Server and in Exchange Server 2003 Configure Message Tracking Exchange 2007 How to search message tracking logs exchange 2007 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246965 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/257265 http://www.exchangeinbox.com/article.aspx?i=75 http://www.msexchange.org/tutorials/Exchange-2007-Message-Tracking-Part1.html http://www.msexchange.org/tutorials/Exchange-2007-Message-Tracking-Part2.html
  6. Για RSS Feed http://blogs.technet.com/b/blogms/archive/2010/01/19/directory-of-microsoft-team-blogs.aspx και για archived team blogs http://blogs.technet.com/b/blogms/archive/2010/01/19/microsoft-team-blogs-archived.aspx
  7. Εχουν κυκλοφορήσει 3 νέα WhitePapers τα οποία αναλύουν τους τρόπους "προστασίας" services/data με DPM 2010 σε Sharepoint,Exchange & SQL Server : How to protect SharePoint with DPM 2010 How to protect Exchange with DPM 2010 How to protect SQL Server with DPM 2010 Επίσης υπάρχουν και τα άρθρα του Blog iThalis για τον DPM 2010 : Installing Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010 (Μέρος 1ο) Installing Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010 – Part 2: Configuration & http://autoexec.gr/forums/thread/20869.aspx (DPM 2010 PowerShell Script - Hyper-V Auto-Protection από Catastrophic Failure ) & DPM 2010 Operations Guide DPM 2010 Troubleshooting Guide Planning a DPM 2010 Deployment Deploying DPM 2010
  8. Πολύ καλό άρθρο Blackman Σε ευχαριστούμε για την αναλυτική ενημέρωση!! Penguin Virtualization - Hyper-V R2 = Penguin Island !!![]
  9. Στο WPC 2010 παρουσιάστηκε μία εφαρμογή του Weather Channel πάνω σε Microsoft Surface με την οποία μπορείς να δεις τις καιρικές συνθήκες σε οποιαδήποτε πόλη. Την εφαρμογή αυτή ίσως σύντομα την δούμε σε μεγάλα hotels και αεροδρόμια καθώς θα μπορείς να ενημερώνεσε άμεσα για τον καιρό. Σχετικό άρθρο : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/surface/archive/2010/07/19/the-weather-channel-on-microsoft-surface.aspx και video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxsaZvUiIc4&feature=player_embedded
  10. Σε ευχαριστώ Δημήτρη [Y] ! Καλό Beta Testing [co] [] !
  11. Το Microsoft Learning Content Development System (LCDS v 2.5) είναι ένα free tool με το οποίο μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε high-quality, interactive, online courses. Εχει ένα πολύ απλό Gui Wizard με το οποίο μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε τα δικα σας Courses και να προσθέσετε σε αυτά videos, photos, interactive activities, quizzes, games, assessments, animations, demos κ.τ.λ Είναι χρήσιμο tool για να δημιουργήσετε τα δικά σας How-Tos ,Online Help Files για Servers και Services , και γενικά οτιδήποτε Training Material. New v2.5 features include: LCDS authoring is 64 bit–compatible E-learning created is compatible with Firefox 3.5.9 and Firefox 3.6.3 New Silverlight 4 Media Player for animations that includes closed captioning and full screen option Enhanced keyboard accessibility for the sort and tile games, adventure interactivity, and Voice of the Expert element LCDS authoring and e-learning created are completely Microsoft Silverlight 4.0–compatible Content is now permitted at the Lesson level Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες και download του tool διαβάστε το παρακάτω άρθρο : A free tool from Microsoft Learning: LCDS v2.5 Χρειάζετε registration για να κάνετε download το LCDS v 2.5 Επίσης το http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/training/lcds.aspx Υπάρχουν και LCDS Sample Courses τα οποία μπορείτε να τα κάνετε download απο εδώ http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/training/lcds.aspx#tab2 και να τα χρησιμοποιήσετε ως templates για τα δικά σας Courses - How Tos Η διαδικασία είναι απλή : - Εγκατάσταση LCDS v.2.5 στο Windows 7 / 2008 - Δημιουργείτε το δικός σας course/How To/Training Material .Τα files του Course όταν τα κάνετε Save θα τα βρείτε στο Folder "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Learning\LCDS\courses" - Τα μεταφέρετε σε ένα άλλο Server που έχετε εγκαταστήσει IIS και τα ενεργοποιείτε σε ένα Virtual Directory - Ως Default Document ενεργοποιείτε το wrapper.htm - Μπορείτε πλέον Online να παρουσιάσετε το Course στο http://server.domain.name/coursename - Βέβαια όλα τα courses που θα δημιουργήσετε είναι διαθέσιμα να τα δεί κανείς και offline αρκεί από το παραπάνω folder με ενα IE/Firefox να κάνει open το wrapper.htm
  12. Στα παρακάτω links μπορείτε να βλέπετε κάθε μήνα,εβδομάδα ένα Monthly-Weekly Report για τα νέα posts - articles σε όλα τα Microsoft Blogs : http://blogs.technet.com/b/blogms/archive/tags/monthly+updates/ http://blogs.technet.com/b/blogms/ 240 Microsoft Team blogs searched, 136 blogs have new articles. 1026 new articles found searching from 01-Jul-2010 to 31-Jul-2010 <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Components-PostAttachments/00-03-34-80-08/BlogMS-Monthly-Report-July_2D00_2010.pdf Για τους προηγούμενους μήνες υπάρχουν τα παρακάτω reports ( Καλό διάβασμα !!!) : 240 Microsoft Team blogs searched, 143 blogs have new articles. 1287 new articles found searching from 01-Jun-2010 to 30-Jun-2010 http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Components-PostAttachments/00-03-34-41-97/BlogMS-Monthly-Report-June_2D00_2010.pdf 240 Microsoft Team blogs searched, 153 blogs have new articles. 1322 new articles found searching from 01-May-2010 to 31-May-2010 http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Components-PostAttachments/00-03-34-41-86/BlogMS-Monthly-Report-May_2D00_2010.pdf 242 Microsoft Team blogs searched, 182 blogs have new articles. 1291 new articles found searching from 01-Apr-2010 to 30-Apr-2010 http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Components-PostAttachments/00-03-33-02-11/Microsoft-Team-Blogs-April-2010.pdf 239 Microsoft Team blogs searched, 155 blogs have new articles. 1345 new articles found searching from 01-Mar-2010 to 31-Mar-2010 http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Components-PostAttachments/00-03-32-26-87/Microsoft-Team-Blogs-March-2010.pdf 239 Microsoft Team blogs searched, 153 blogs have new articles 1245 new articles found searching from 01-Feb-2010 to 28-Feb-2010 http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Components-PostAttachments/00-03-31-61-28/Microsoft-Team-Blogs-February-2010.pdf 239 Microsoft Team blogs searched<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 1132 new articles found in 160 blogs between 1st January 2010 and 31st January 2010 http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Components-PostAttachments/00-03-30-98-03/Microsoft-Team-Blogs-January-2010.pdf
  13. Aπό τα παρακάτω links μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε τα Windows Phone 7 Jump Start Sessions που πραγματοποιήθηκαν 20-22/7 από Microsoft Press authors Rob Miles & Andy Wigley Σχετικό άρθρο : If you missed the Windows Phone 7 Jump Start sessions Recording Links: July 20 – 8am (PST): Session One: Getting Started with Microsoft Windows Phone and Silverlight AM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072010&pw=webcast AM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072010-1&pw=webcast AM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072010-2&pw=webcast July 20 – 1pm (PST): Session Two: Programming Game Applications with XNA PM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072010-3&pw=webcast PM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072010-4&pw=webcast PM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072010-5&pw=webcast July 22 – 8am (PST): Session Three: Advanced Windows Phone Development AM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072210&pw=webcast AM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072210-1&pw=webcast AM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072210-2&pw=webcast July 22 – 1pm (PST): Session Four: Selling Your Windows Phone Solutions & Wrap Up PM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072210-3&pw=webcast PM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072210-4&pw=webcast PM: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/microsoft/view?id=Win7072210-5&pw=webcast
  14. Microsoft Operations Framework Technology Library Download Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) 4.0 Χρήσιμοι οδηγοί για ΙΤ Pros & Operations Managers που περιέχουν Workbooks με Monitoring & Maintenance Activities , Risk & Change Management Tasks για την διαχείριση Microsoft Servers & Platforms. Overview Administrator’s Guide for Reliability Workbooks. This administrator’s guide provides an overview to help you customize these technologies for your organization. MOF Reliability Workbook for Active Directory Certificate Services. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Active Directory Certificate Services running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for Active Directory Domain Services. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Active Directory running smoothly. New! MOF Reliability Workbook for DirectAccess. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides the knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep DirectAccess running smoothly. New! MOF Reliability Workbook for Exchange 2010 Client Access and Transport. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides the knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Microsoft Exchange 2010 Client Access and Transport running smoothly. New! MOF Reliability Workbook for Exchange 2010 Mailbox Services. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides the knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox Services running smoothly. New! MOF Reliability Workbook for Forefront Unified Access Gateway. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides the knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Microsoft Forefront® Unified Access Gateway (UAG) running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for Hyper-V. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Hyper-V running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for Internet Information Services. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Internet Information Services running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for Microsoft Application Virtualization. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides the knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for Network Load Balancing. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Network Load Balancing running smoothly. New! MOF Reliability Workbook for SQL Server 2008. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides the knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep SQL Server® 2008 running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for System Center Configuration Manager. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep System Center Configuration Manager running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for System Center Operations Manager 2007 and R2. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep System Center Operations Manager running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep System Center Virtual Machine Manager running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for User State Virtualization. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides the knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep User State Virtualization (USV) running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for Windows Server 2008 DNS Server. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Windows Server 2008 Domain Name System (DNS) Server running smoothly. MOF Reliability Workbook for Windows Server 2008 R2. This workbook presents hands-on tasks that you can fine tune to meet the goals of your organization. It provides knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep Windows Server 2008 R2 running smoothly. Technical Service Reliability Guide and Reliability Workbook for the Dynamic Datacenter. This newest addition to the MOF Technology Library provides the knowledge, specific tasks, and schedules needed to keep technical services running smoothly so you can deliver the services your organization expects. The workbook, along with the accompanying administrator’s guide, focuses on defining service health considerations for the Dynamic Datacenter. Use this guidance to achieve a reliable and effectively monitored and maintained Dynamic Datacenter.
  15. Respect Νάσο.. για το πως το ανακάλυψες [] σε ευχαριστούμε για την ενημέρωση. Απίστευτο bug !!! [Y]
  16. Το Top Μαργαριτάρι με διαχρονική αξία είναι: ΚΟΛΛΑΕΙ ο SQL ? FORMAT και RE-INSTALL !!!! (Αυτό πάντα δίνει λύση )[] και μία παραλλάγη και αυτή διαχρονική : ΚΟΛΛΑΕΙ ο SQL ? ΦΤΑΕΙ ΤΟ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΚΟ - ΤΑ WINDOWS ΜΕΤΑ ΑΠΟ ΚΑΠΟΙΕΣ ΜΕΡΕΣ ONLINE ΚΟΛΛΑΝΕ !!!(χωρίς λύση εδώ...είναι αξίωμα..το δεχόμαστε απλά...[] )
  17. [Y] Χρόνια μας Πολλά !!! [] [co] System Administrator Appreciation Day 2010 (128 pics) !!! []
  18. Download Exchange Server 2010 Design and Architecture at Microsoft Document http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff829232.aspx Microsoft Information Technology (Microsoft IT) maintains a complex Microsoft® Exchange Server environment that consists of several geographic locations and multiple Active Directory® forests. There are 16 data centers, four of which host Exchange servers, to support more than 515 office locations in 102 countries with more than 180,000 users. These users include managers, employees, contractors, business partners, and vendors. Microsoft IT transitioned this environment to Exchange Server 2010 in less than seven months by taking advantage of its growing automation infrastructure and the enhanced deployment features available in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, in combination with proven planning, design, and deployment methodologies Configurations of Database Availability Groups Redmond Dublin Singapore <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Sao Paulo Technology Mailbox 41 16 16 4 Exchange DAGs Hub Transport 11 5 4 0 Automatic load balancing through Mail Submission Service Hardware load balancers for incoming mail connectivity Client Access 28 14 12 Hardware load balancers internally and externally Unified Messaging 5 3 3 Automatic round-robin load balancing between Unified Messaging servers Multiple voice over IP (VoIP) gateways per dial plan Multiple-Role Servers in the Microsoft IT Exchange Server 2010 Environment 0 0 0 2 Not applicable
  19. Download System Center Essentials 2010 Resource Kit The System Center Essentials Resource Kit includes: Essentials Server Migration Advisor Published Software Certificate Update Tool Setup Log Parser Maintenance Mode Management Pack Computer Group Repair Tool Essentials Server Cleanup Tool Essentials Server Migration Advisor You can use this tool to move an Essentials 2010 management server installation to a different server. The tool backs up the installation on the source server and restores it on the target server. Published Software Certificate Update Tool The published software certificate update tool removes the existing software publishing certificate from the Essentials 2010 or Essentials 2007 management server and all managed computers, generates a new certificate, deploys the certificate to managed computers, and signs all locally published content with the new certificate. Setup Log Parser When you install System Center Essentials 2010, Setup creates SCESetupWizard.log and a set of related log files, depending on the features you chose to install, such as SQL Server, Reporting, and Virtualization Management. If installation fails, you can use this tool to get an easy-to-read-report that contains enough information to determine if the installation was successful and to highlight any issues. Maintenance Mode Management Pack System Center Essentials 2010 maintenance mode does not provide a way to schedule the maintenance mode start time to begin at a future time. Use this tool if you want to schedule a group of computers to enter maintenance mode at a fixed time in the future. For example, you may want to schedule a group of computers to be in maintenance mode every Friday and Saturday night at 11:00PM for a duration of three hours. Computer Group Repair Tool The computer group repair tool identifies and repairs broken relationships between System Center Operations Manager computer groups and their corresponding Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) computer groups. Essentials Server Cleanup Tool After an installation failure, you can run the Essentials Server Cleanup Tool to clean out files left over from the failed installation and restore the computer to a clear, preinstallation state so that you can start the installation over again. Note that the tool removes existing Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) certificates from the computer.
  20. Download System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 Documentation VMM08R2_Deployment.docx VMM08R2_OMIntegration.docx VMM08R2_Operations.docx VMM08R2_Scripting.docx VMM08R2_Security.docx
  21. Download SharePoint Server 2010 performance and capacity test results and recommendations These white papers describe the performance and capacity impact of specific feature sets included in SharePoint Server 2010. These white papers include information about the performance and capacity characteristics of the feature and how it was tested by Microsoft, including: Test farm characteristics Test results Recommendations Troubleshooting performance and scalability AccessServicesCapacityPlanningDoc.docx BCSCapacityPlanningDoc.docx DesigningLargeListsMaximizingListPerformance.docx ExcelServicesCapacityPlanningDoc.docx InfoPath2010CapacityPlanningDoc.docx LargeScaleDocRepositoryCapacityPlanningDoc.docx MySitesSocialComputingCapacityPlanningDoc.docx OfficeWebAppsCapacityPlanningDoc.docx PerformancePointCapacityPlanningDoc.docx SearchforSPServer2010CapacityPlanningDoc.docx SharePointServerCachesPerformance.docx VisioServicesCapacityPlanningDoc.docx WASCapacityPlanningDoc.docx WCMCapacityPlanningDoc.docx WebAnalyticsCapacityPlanningDoc.docx WorkflowCapacityPlanningDoc.docx
  22. Download System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Documentation Linked.Reporting.MP.xml OM2007_AuthGuideXplat.exe OM2007_ReportAuthoringGuide.docx OM2007R2_CrossPlatformMPAuthoringGuide.docx OM2007R2_CrossPlatformMPAuthoringGuide_Samples.zip OM2007R2_DeploymentGuide.docx OM2007R2_DesignGuide.docx OM2007R2_MigrationGuide.docx OM2007R2_MPAuthoringGuide.docx OM2007R2_MPModuleReference.docx OM2007R2_OperationsAdministratorsGuide.docx OM2007R2_OperationsUsersGuide.docx OM2007R2_SecurityGuide.docx OM2007R2_UpgradeGuide.docx System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Documentation.zip
  23. Σε ευχαριστώ i-away για την επισήμανση για το firewall - το ότι είναι σε black lists είναι το ποιο πιθανόν . Αλλά αν κάνει stopped το spam firewall και στέλνει τότε e-mail σε yahoo ? θα επρεπε να στέλνει αν ήταν σε black list ? @arkadios δώσε μας περισσότερες πληροφορίες Εχεις κάποια NDR - καποια non deriverable errors - logs που σε ρώτησα και σε προηγούμενο post ? Εχεις τσεκάρει αν ο Mail Server σου είναι σε κάποια Spam Black List ?
  24. Αν κάνεις stopped το Spam Firewall που έχεις και μπορείς εσύ και οι users σου να στείλουν πλέον e-mail σε Yahoo είναι σαφές ότι το πρόβλημα οφείλετε σε αυτό και πρέπει να δεις ξανά το configuration του και τα rules που έχεις.
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