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Azure Web Farm using IIS & Azure File storage




Azure Web Farm using IIS & Azure File storage
This post is my view of a complete guide, from A to Z, including both the Windows Server part and the Azure Portal part on how to build a Web Farm using IIS & Azure File storage. Following this guide you will have a functional two server IIS Web Farm using Azure File storage.
To create a Web Server Farm the mail requirement is a high available common storage. I see that when deploying on Azure, a lot of people are using DFSR for common storage. This solution has two major issues, the first is the cost, because you need at least two Windows Servers and second the replication speed that many times doesn’t cover the web servers needs.
Azure File storage provides a very fast, high available and cheap solution to create a web server farm on Azure.
Azure File storage supports both SMB 2.1 & 3.0 protocol. Every share can be up to 5TB, storing unlimited number of files and each file can be up to 1TB. Of course we can create as many shares as needed up to 500TB that is the Storage Account limit. Also every share provided 1000 IOPS.
For this guide I used one Windows Server 2016 for Domain Controller, two Windows Server 2016 for web servers and one Standard Storage Account for Azure Files. Of course you can create an IIS Web Farm with workgroup server, but I will cover this at an other post.
I will skip the part of creating the Azure VMs, the domain and joining the servers on it, so I assume that there is a domain and the other two servers are member servers of the domain.
Just a note, when creating the Azure VMs that will be part of the IIS Farm remember to add them to the same Availability Set. This will inform the Azure Fabric to have the VMs to different update & fault domains
img_5919862a0ed9a.pngStep 1. Add the Web Server role
From the Server Manager, click Add roles and features and add the “Web Server (IIS)” role and at the next screen add all the features your app needs.
img_59198373d83b3.pngStep 2. Add Application Request Routing
For more feature and control over the IIS load balance add the Application Request Routing (ARR) using the Web Platform Installer. The Web Platform Installer uses the Internet Explorer engine so I disable the “IE Enhanced Security Configuration” just for the installation and then enable it. You can do it from the Server Manager, at the Server section.
Next, open the IIS Manager and at the Actions Panel (on the right) click the “Get New Web Platform Components”
Search for “arr”, and add the Application request routing 3.0
img_591b4ef391417.pngStep 3. Create an Azure Storage Account for Azure File Storage
To create the Azure File storage shares, go to the Azure Portal, click the + button and create a Standard Storage account (you can just search for storage account)
Select General purpose and Standard performance (Premium does not support Azure Files)
once the storage account is created, open it and click the “Files” button
Click the “+ File share” to add a file share
Give it a name and quota limit
After clicking OK the share will be created and it will be listed at the shares blade.
Click on it to get the connection string and then click Connect to get the access key. At this point copy the “Connecting from Windows” command. We will use this to mount the share to the web servers.
Finally click the File Share and at the new blade press “+Add Directory” and create two directories, one Configuration and one Data
img_591b50d40d19b.pngStep 4. Configure Windows Firewall & NSG
Open the port 80 (and nay other requires ports) at the Windows firewall and at the NSGs
for the windows firewall, go to the Servers’s control panel, Windows Firewall and click “Advanced Settings”
go to the Inbound Rules, add New Rule and select Port
Select TCP 80 (and any other needed for your application/site)
Allow the rule for all profiles, provide a name and press finish to create the rule
For the NSGs , go to the Azure Portal, open the NSGs of the web servers and add an http allow rule like below
img_591b5ea22f64b.pngStep 5. Create the IIS Shared Configuration
Go back to the first web server, open Computer Manager and add a new user with username and password the same as the connection string of the Azure Files share. You will need this for the IIS Service to access the Azure File storage share.
Add the user to the IIS_IUSRS group
Then open the IIS Manager and click the “Shared Configuration”
at the Action pane click “Export Configuration”
add the Azure File storage Share UNC path and “Connect As” using the share’s credentials
Enter a complex encryption key and press ok to export the configuration to the Azure File storage “configuration” share
Now we can enable the Shared Configuration, add the Configuration Share path and the same credentials and click apply.
it will ask for the encryption key and finally the Shared Configuration will be enabled. You will need to restart the IIS Manager console
at this point we can change the path of application pools, ftp applications etc to the Data folder share of the Azure File storage. Just note that you will need to use the UNC path “\azurefilesol.file.core.windows.netiisfarmData” and not any mapped drive.
Repeat the above steps to the second web server. At the Shared Configuration don’t export the configuration, just enable the Shared Configuration.
Finally we can create the Farm, from the IIS Manager, right click at the “Server Farms” and click “Create Server Farm…”
give a farm name,
add both servers and press Finish
Press NO at the URL rewrite rule auto creation
And the farm is ready
as mentioned before, deploy your Web Site, Web Application etc to the Data file share, always using the full UNC path “\azurefilesol.file.core.windows.netiisfarmData”. All the website data will reside at the Azure File storage.
If you need more than 1000 IOPS create more Azure Files storage shares and divine your website/application data.
Run the following command to allow access to the Azure File storage. Change the file://”path” as needed
C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319>caspol -m -ag 1. -url file://azurefilesol.file.core.windows.net/iisfarm/* FullTrust
Step 5. Azure Load Balancer
Finally, create a Load Balancer to distribute incomming traffic to the farm. For this guide I will create an External Load Balancer, but also an Internal Load Balancer is supported.
First, find and create the Load Balancer from the Azure Portal
provide a name, for external load balancer select Public, select Dynamic or Static IP, resource group, location and press Create
Then go to the new load balancer and create a health probe
create an http probe
provide a name, select Availability Set for association and add both the Web Servers
finally create a load balancing rule to load balance the TCP port 80 at the farm
once the load balance rule is created you can browse the public ip / name of the load balancer
Now, browse to the load balancer’s IP and you are good to go!


The post Azure Web Farm using IIS & Azure File storage appeared first on Apostolidis IT Corner.




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