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Remarks from a Cloud Architect daily encounters

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Azure Client VPN using Azure AD & MFA

Azure Virtual Network Gateway provides the ability to connect to your Azure Virtual Network with Azure Client VPN (SSL) connections using your Azure AD or hybrid identity, with Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) and your Conditional Access policies. We can have an Enterprise grade SSL VPN, with Active Directory authentication and Single Sign on (SSO) from your corporate laptops and apply all your conditional access policies, like MFA, Compliance devices, trused locations, etc. How to cr



Compliance Report using Azure Policy

Compliance Report using Azure Policy Azure Policy is a powerful tool for Azure Governance. With Azure Policy we can define rules for all Azure Subscriptions the we manage. We can use this rules for simple limitation actions, like permitting only specific VM Series and Sizes that can be created and also more complex rule sets that helps you standardize the whole Azure deployment. At my previous posts, we learned How to limit the Azure VM Sizes and How to enforce tags for resources creation



Excited to be speaking at Microsoft Ignite The Tour in Milan!

Excited to be speaking at Microsoft Ignite The Tour in Milan on Jan 27-28. Join me to learn how to use Azure Platform As A Service (PaaS) to design your apps with Elasticity, Resiliency & High Availability and how to Accelerate your web applications with the Azure Front Door Service. IT industry-leading conference is going to Milan. Don’t miss the very latest in cloud technologies and developer tools with guest speakers, industry experts, and more. I will deliver two sessions:



Global AI Bootcamp, Athens 2019

Global AI Bootcamp, Athens 2019 December 14, 2019 we proudly carried out the Global AI Bootcamp, Athens 2019! IT was a day full of AI and Microsoft Azure. The Global AI Bootcamp is a free one-day event organized across the world by local communities that are passionate about artificial intelligence on Microsoft Azure. After all preparations with the assistance of Stoiximan.gr, our sponsor, the day begun at Athinais Cultural Center, at Athens, Greece. From early morning our sponsor was there wi



Spin up Azure HDInsight clusters on demand

Spin up Azure HDInsight clusters on demand This is my Global AI Bootcamp, Athens 2019 Presentation with title: Spin up HDInsight clusters on demand for ETL, IoT, Data Science & Machine Learning At my presentation I explained with a hands-on demo, how to use Azure Data Factory to spin up on-demand Azure HDInsight clusters to make a process and automatically delete them once they provide the result. Download the PowerPoint Presentation:  download link And watch the Demo: The post Spin



Use Web Application Firewall (WAF) Rules with the Front Door to protect your app

At the previous post we created an Azure Front Door to scale our web apps across Azure Regions and also publish them only through the Front Door’s URL. At this post we will create Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules, to protect our web apps. To add WAF functionality to the Front Door we need first to create WAF rules and then attach them to the Front Door Create the WAF Rule From the Azure Marketplace search for WAF and create a Web Application Firewall At the “Create a WAF poli



Securely scale your Web Apps with Azure Front Door

Securely scale your Web Apps with Azure Front Door There is a big buzz out there about Azure Front Door.  Is it a Load Balancer? A CDN? A Traffic Manager? A Web Application Firewall ? A Reverse Proxy? An Application Gateway? So, what is Azure Front Door? Azure Front Door actually is all the above and more. It is a global service, that routes web traffic based on performance and availability. A Layer 7 multi-region load balancer with Web Application Firewall (WAF) capabilities, DDoS protection



Azure Portal | Playing with Disk Snapshot

<h1 style="text-align: justify;">Azure Portal | Playing with Disk Snapshot</h1> <p style="text-align: justify;">Disk Snapshot is a powerful tool to manage Azure VMs. It’s simple to create and can help the administrators in various tasks. It’s a fast and efficient way to have a crash-consistent Disk of a Virtual Machine, before performing tasks, updates, configuration changes, application installations, etc. Of course the last line of defence is the Azure Backup, but using the S



Happy Friday! My blog post featured at this week’s Friday Five!

<p>Happy Friday! My blog post is featured at this week’s Friday Five!</p> <p>Check out this week’s <a href="https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-MVP-Award-Program-Blog/Friday-Five-Azure-free-SMTP-relay-using-Sendgrid-Power-Platform/ba-p/894274">FridayFive section of the Microsoft MVP Award Program Blog!</a> My blog post about <a href="https://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/azure-free-smtp-relay-using-sendgrid/">using SendGrid for free SMTP relay fr



ASC | Remediate security recommendations in 1 click

<h1>Azure Security Center</h1> <h2>Remediate security recommendations in 1 click</h2> <p>Azure Security Center provides unified security management and advanced threat protection across hybrid cloud workloads. Using advanced analytics, it helps you detect potentially malicious activity across your hybrid cloud workloads, and recommends potential remediation steps, which you can then evaluate, and take the necessary action.</p> <p id="DLQOMZB"><img cla



Azure Private Link | Private connection to Azure PaaS

<h1>Azure Private Link | Private connection to Azure PaaS</h1> <p> </p> <p>Azure Private Link is a new service, currently in Preview, that provides private connectivity from a virtual network or an on-premises network with Site-2-Site VPN to Azure platform as a service (PaaS) Microsoft services. Azure Private Link makes the networking a lot more simple improving the security and eliminating the need for public access.</p> <p id="nAIxogs"><img class="a



Azure ExpressRoute adds Satellite connectivity

<p style="text-align: justify;">ExpressRoute is a Microsoft Azure service that provides a private connection between an organization’s on-premises infrastructure and Microsoft Cloud services, such as Microsoft Azure, Office 365, and Dynamics 365.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute was general available back on 2014. To connect to Azure ExpressRoute you need a direct line with an ExpressRoute provider. Now Microsoft announced that Microsoft cloud se



Azure Policy | Enforce tags for resource creation

<h1 style="text-align: left;">Azure Policy | Enforce tags for resource creation</h1> <h2 style="text-align: justify;">Azure Governance</h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">After the previous post about <a href="https://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/azure-policy-limit-the-azure-vm-sizes/"target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">how to use Azure Policy to limit the Azure VM sizes</a>, I continue the series of posts about Azure Governance with a video gui



Το Azure εξελίσσεται & οι τάσεις που θα μας απασχολήσουν! @Netfax

<p>Σήμερα δημοσιεύτηκε η συνέντευξή μου με τίτλο “<span data-offset-key="900n3-0-0">Το Azure εξελίσσεται”</span> στο NetFax τεύχος #4230, <span data-offset-key="900n3-0-0"> όπου συζητάω για τις τάσεις που θα μας απασχολήσουν στο Microsoft Azure & το Cloud! </span></p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2796" src="https://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/netfax4.jpg"alt="νετφαχ" width="568" height="1075" /></p> <



Govern your Azure environment

<h1>Govern your Azure environment</h1> <p>It was a day full of Microsoft Azure and technology, from both IT Pro & Dev perspective. A sunny day at Athens, with a lot of fun. For sure we had a great time!</p> <p>You can download my Athens Azure Bootcamp 2019 presentation, Govern your Azure environment, from this <a href="https://papostolidisgr-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/pantelis_e-apostolidis_gr/EUS8pnejNdNEhrm0GVe4qaYBkFH2s_ZZKqGh9AaDY0NTFw?e=nQaNSD">



Azure Bastion – Jump Server as a Service

<h1>Azure Bastion – Jump Server as a Service</h1> <p>Azure Bastion is a new Azure Platform (PaaS) service, at this time is still in Preview, that allows to have RDP and SSH access to Virtual Machines inside a Virtual Network directly from the Azure Portal. This eliminates the need to expose the Virtual Machines RDP and SSH ports to the internet.</p> <p>The logic comes from the Jump Servers, but you don’t need to deploy any VMs and you don’t have to worry about the h



Validate Azure Resource Move with Postman

Validate Azure Resource Move with Postman At this post we will see how easily we can move azure resources to new resource groups or subscriptions and how we can validate if the azure resources are eligible to move without initiate the move. Move Azure Resources to new resource groups or subscriptions Azure Resource Manager allow you to easily move resources to new resource groups or subscriptions. It is a pretty simple process. From the Azure Portal, open a Resource Group, and from the top optio



Azure VM CMD & PowerShell from the Portal

Azure VM CMD & PowerShell from the Portal Today I was trying to troubleshoot an Azure VM. This VM is behind a Network Virtual Appliance (NVA) and at the subnet it has User Defined Routes (UDR) that routes the traffic to the NVA. We was troubleshooting the NVA and it was not possible to connect with RDP to the VM. Serial Console This is an excellent scenario to use the Serial Console. From the Azure Portal, portal.azure.com, navigate to the Azure VMs blade, scroll down to the Support + Troubl



Azure Policy | Limit the Azure VM Sizes

Azure Policy | Limit the Azure VM Sizes Azure Governance This post, Azure Policy, is the first of a series of posts about Azure Governance. The idea is to explain through examples and how-to-guides, the tools that Microsoft Azure provides to help the administrators to enforce rules to all subscriptions. Some examples of those rules are, to help the organizations to stay compliant with their corporate standards, to standardize the resources creation and management, to manage the permissions and a



Azure Monitor for VMs – Health, Performance & Service Map

Get real insights about your Windows and Linux VMs & VMSSs performance and their dependencies with Azure Monitor. Integrate with Log Analytics for even more in depth analysis and retain the data over time. Health, Performance & Service Map of your VM in a dashboard. Deploy to Single VM For a single VM, go to the VMs blade, scroll down to the “Monitoring” section, select “Insights” and press “Try now” The Azure Monitor Insights Onboarding wizard will open. If your VM is already onboard



Configure The Azure Web Application Firewall

Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a function of the Azure Application Gateway that detects and prevents exploits and attacks to a web application. Using a WAF we add an additional security layer in front of our application. To have a sneak peak at the most common web application attacks, take a look at the OWASP Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks . At my previous posts we have seen how to Protect your Web App using Azure Application Gateway Web Application Firewall and Use



Serverless Computing | Email Report Azure WAF Logs

At this post, we will create a Logic App that will query the Log Analytics workspace for the WAF logs of the last 24 hours and send the results in an email, using a free SendGrid account. A Web Application Firewall protects your application from common web vulnerabilities. Azure provides enterprise grade Web Application Firewall through the Application Gateway. You can read more at my previous post: https://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/azure/protect-your-web-application-with-azure-application-



azure free smtp relay using sendgrid

Azure offers free smtp relay using the SendGrid application. SendGrid is a cloud service that provides email delivery and marketing campaigns. The specific offer is for up to 25.000 emails per month. Also this offers provides full reporting and analytics and 24/7 support. At this post we will see how to create a SendGrid free account that can be used for many purposes, like: Send emails through an application using the SendGrid API Send email campaigns, newsletters, etc using the SendGrid SMT



Leave an Azure Subscription – Directory

Working as a Cloud Consultant, Administrator, Architect, many companies will provide you guest (Azure AD B2B) access to their subscription. After completing the Admins of the subscriptions, many times, forget to remove this accesses and as a result you still have access to resources with no reason and also the list of your available subscriptions grows making it difficult to choose the right subscription to work. In this post we will walk through the steps of removing your account from those sub



Create an Ultra High Available on-prem Azure VPN Connection

Create an Ultra High Available on-prem <-> Azure VPN Connection At this post we will see how to make a high available connection between our on-premises network and Azure. This way we will have an Active-Active Dual-Redundancy VPN Connection. The idea behind this is that we have a router/firewall cluster,connected with two ISPs and we want to also have a VPN connection with Azure using both ISPs actively. I call this an end-to-end high available connectivity between our on-premises infrast



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