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Exchange Deployment Assistant site Updated!!!




Today Exchange Team announced the new and updated site for the Exchange Deployment Assistant – https://assistants.microsoft.com! . This is a expected move since all the assistants are moved under assistants.microsoft.com site, following the Microsoft move to  docs.microsoft.com . The new assistant focus solely on on-premises deployments. For online and hybrid scenarios, there are two different resources offering guidance: the EDA, and the Office 365 mail migration advisors.

When you go to the new site, you’ll see two options:


The first option, On-premises Exchange deployments, will go to the Deployment Assistant and all the on-premises deployment options we all know and love today with Exchange 2019 scenarios coming soon!

The second option, Migrate Exchange to Office 365 will lead you to the Office 365 mail migration advisors. The Office 365 mail migration advisors offer the best solutions for helping you migrate your organization to Office 365 including staged and cut-over migrations and all flavors of hybrid migrations.

The existing Deployment Assistant will remain available until the end of April 2019.

Happy advising!!!!



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