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Create a Virtual Machine with Multiple NICs in Azure IaaS

Every time I present a session about Microsoft Azure IaaS, the most common question is about Virtual Machines’ capability of getting more than one Virtual Network Interface (vNIC). At TechEd Europe 2014, Microsoft announced support for multiple Network Interfaces (vNICs) in Azure VMs, as well as other additions to Azure Virtual Networks like Network Security Groups.   Moreover, the capability of adding more than one vNIC to a Virtual Machine will enable Virtual Appliances scenarios like Firewa



Do not panic when an error occurred, just learn to read the logs

Δεν ξέρω αν σας αρέσει να ανεβαίνει η αδρεναλίνη σας ύψη αλλά προσωπικά μου αρέσει, αρκεί να είναι όπως αυτή η περίπτωση :-) Είμαι λοιπόν από το πρωί πάνω σε παραγωγικό server που έχει κομβικό Internet-ικο τμήμα του οργανισμού που εργάζομαι. Παλεύω να κάνω partitioning το πίνακα ημερολογίου συναλλαγών και είναι τεράστιος… Πρέπει να κάνω απλές και σίγουρες κινήσεις που δεν θα επηρεάσουν σε καμία περίπτωση την απόδοση του συστήματος.   http://www.sqlschool.gr/blog/do-not-panic-when-an-error-occ



Move mailbox to Exchange Online from Exchange 2013

To move a mailbox to Exchange Online from Exchange 2013 first connect Windows PowerShell to Exchange Online with a Global Administrator:   $UserCredential = Get-Credential $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/-Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session Provide the on-premise administrator credential   Then connect to the local Exchange 2013:   Run $Rem



Delete user from Office 365 Hybrid with DirSync

This post is bout Exchange/Office 365 Hybrid Deployments, when for some reason we need to completely delete a user account and mailbox from Office 365 in order to re-sync it.   First you need to exclude the user from DirSync Open the “Synchronization Service Manager” (cn be fount at “C:\Program Files\WindowsAzureActiveDirectorySync\SYNCBUS\Synchronization Service\UIShell\miisclient.exe”) Navigate to “Metaverse Search” and click on “Add Clause” Be sure that you choose Displayname as Attrib



Connect PowerShell to Exchange Online

To connect PowerShell to Exchange Online, open the PowerShell and run: $UserCredential = Get-Credential $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/-Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session source: http://www.e-apostolidis.gr/microsoft/connect-to-exchange-online/



Remove/Add Microsoft Antimalware Service from an Azure VM

Microsoft offers for free it’s antimalware service. When you create a new VM you have the option to enable it. This will install the System Center Endpoint Protection client to the VM managed by Azure. If you have added this but now you want to remove it and add some other antivirus/antimalware solution you cannot do it by just uninstalling the client from the VM. The client will auto re-insalled by Azure. There are two ways to completely uninstall the program and remove it from Azure. One is us



Azure Backup Email Notification

I was looking for a free solution to have an email notifications for Azure backup. After reading other blogs and technet site I end up to use PowerShell Send-MailMessage attached to the Azure Backup Logs. In short, when the Azure Backup log is created, the script lists the last 2 days events, creates an html file and mails the report with the html as attachment to you.   First find the Azure backup Event Log, it under “Applications and Services Logs, CloudBackup, Operational” and select to att



Create a Disk in specific Storage Account and Attach it to a VM in Azure

There are many reasons to have your Disks stored at separate Storage Accounts, per Cloud Service. One is that a Storage Account in Azure provides 20000 IOPS and every disk in Standard Tier 500 IOPS. Azure support suggests to don’t have more than 40 disks per Storage Account. Also you may want to have your disks lined (go to Azure, Cloud Services, selsect a Cloud Service and you can see the “Lined Resources” tab, there you can link storage accounts to the Cloud Service) to the same Cloud Services



Copy AZURE VHD to other storage account

Copy AZURE VHD to other storage account   #Source storage account $context1 = new-azurestoragecontext -storageaccountname "name_source_account" -storageaccountkey "key_source_account"   #Destination storage account $context2 = new-azurestoragecontext -storageaccountname "name_destination_account" -storageaccountkey "key_destination_account"   #Initiate copy this might take a while Start-AzureStorageBlobCopy -SrcContainer "vhds" -SrcBlob "name_as_found_in_step_one.vhd" -SrcContext $context1



Set Static Private IP to an Azure VM

First of all, the VM must be within a virtual network to be able to add a static Private IP address   There are two ways to set a static private IP. One is using the new Azure Portal "portal.azure.com" and one via PowerShell.   Using the new Portal, browse a VM, select settings and then IP addresses. There at the Private IP address you can select "Static" and add the IP address.   Using PowerShell, first connect to the Azure (details on this post), and use the following commands:   #Test



Connect powershell to Azure

First we need to install the Azure PowerShell module from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=320376&clcid=0x409   Then open PowerShell and follow the below commands:   #Get your subscription file - The browser will open, you will need to login to the Azure Subscription and finally it will download the <subscriptonname>.publishsettings file Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile   #Connect to your Subscription Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile -PublishSettingsFile "full path to download



Where stored the last checkpoint operation info

Στο μάθημα της προηγούμενης εβδομάδας δέχθηκα μια ερώτηση από ένα πολύ καλό φίλο και συνάδελφο (καλημέρα Θεόδωρε) μια αρκετά ενδιαφέρουσα ερώτηση που αφορούσε το που αποθηκεύεται η πληροφορία της διαδικασίας του checkpoint σε μια database. Επειδή η απάντηση μου τον ξάφνιασε λίγο σε αυτό το post αρχικά θα την μοιραστώ μαζί σας και θα την εξηγήσω. http://www.sqlschool.gr/blog/where-stored-the-last-checkpoint-operation-info-1010.aspx



Do not uncheck “Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation” option on SSMS

Οι περισσότεροι από εσάς όταν θέλετε να αλλάξετε την δομή ενός πίνακα σε μια βάση χρησιμοποιείτε το SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) όπου με δεξί κλικ στον πίνακα κάνετε design και αφού κάνετε την αλλαγή που θέλετε πατάτε το save button από την toolbar.   Είμαι σίγουρος έχετε κάνει πολλά πράγματα έτσι και έχετε μείνει απόλυτα ευχαριστημένοι. Θεωρώ επίσης βέβαιο ότι κάποια στιγμή που κάτι πάλι θέλατε να αλλάξετε αυτό δεν μπορούσε να γίνει καθώς ο SSMS σας εμφάνισε ένα παράθυρο όπως το παρακ



What is Semi join and Anti join?

Στα μάθηματα μου συχνά αναφέρω (ιδιαίτερα όμως όταν κάνω μάθημα σχετικό με τα joins) ότι εκτός από τα γνωστά inner, full, cross, self και left / right outer joins υπάρχουν και τα semi joins και anti-joins. Η πρώτη αντίδραση από το ακροατήριο μου είναι αυτή που μπορεί να έχει κάποιος όταν το χτυπάει το ρεύμα. Το καταλαβαίνω αμέσως από το γεγονός ότι ξαφνικά αποκτώ το 110% της προσοχής τους. Αυτό συμβαίνει πάντα για αυτό και γράφτηκε το συγκεκριμένο post. Αρχικά θα πω ότι είμαι σίγουρος ότι όλ



Exchange 2013 Management Pack Update!

<p>Σήμερα έγινε διαθέσιμη μια ενημερωμένη έκδοση για το Management Pack του System Center Operations Manager του Exchange Servεr 2013. Η ενημέρωση αυτή προσφέρει πολλές και νέες δυνατότητες ανάλυσης και διάγνωσης της κατάστασης και της απόδοσης του Exchange Server καθώς και μια πληθώρα νέων γραφημάτων.</p> <p>Το καινούργιο Management Pack μπορείτε να το κατεβάσετε από <a href="//www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39039">εδώ</a></p><br />Fi



Problem with Hyper-V VSS daemon after upgrading CentOS 6.5 to the latest 6.6

Hello,   Before some days CentOS team released a new version with number 6.6. After some upgrades and lab tests in the infrastructure I found some problems with the backing up procedure from the DPM and generally with the VSS.   To be more specific when you try to take a backup from a CentOS 6.6 upgraded image from CentOS 6.5 with Hyper-V Backup Essentials installed (the module/package which was till 6.5 responsible for the VSS backup on Linux VMs) you are getting freeze the VM (hang) with k



Integrate Microsoft Azure Active Directory tenant with Office 365

One question that is coming up too often, at least at TecEd Europe 2014, is if it’s possible to integrate an Azure AD that you got when you signed up to Office 365 with the one you have got when you subscribed to Microsoft Azure. The short answer is yes, it is possible and if you want to learn how this integration happens, then keep reading! This scenario means that there are two separate directories. The first one was created when you setup your Office 365 Subscription, while the second one ca



Integrate Microsoft Azure Active Directory tenant with Office 365

One question that is coming up too often, at least at TecEd Europe 2014, is if it’s possible to integrate an Azure AD that you got when you signed up to Office 365 with the one you have got when you subscribed to Microsoft Azure. The short answer is yes, it is possible and if you want to learn how this integration happens, then keep reading! This scenario means that there are two separate directories. The first one was created when you setup your Office 365 Subscription, while the second one ca



Do not forget to update index statistics

Είναι πρωινό της 27/10/2014. Κάνει κρύο για τα δικά μου δεδομένα και είμαι στο γραφείο στην δουλειά μου. Χτυπάει το τηλέφωνο και είναι ο Σοφοκλής.   http://www.sqlschool.gr/blog/do-not-forget-to-update-index-statistics-1005.aspx



New Windows 10 TP build available for download: 9860

It’s official: you can now download the new build of Windows 10 Technology Preview. So what you have to do is to go to PC Settings –> Update and Recovery –> Preview builds. Check for a new build and let Windows do the upgrade. I;ve noticed that this is an in-place upgrade, meaning that you’ll not loose your current user profile:     As soon as the upgrade starts, you’ll need to restart your computer a few times, having the option to decide when to restart:     After the upgrade,



Controlling the Start menu in Windows 10 using Group Policy

There is an easy way to customize Start menu layout in Windows 10 using Group Policy. This new setting allows administrators to determine which live tiles will be pinned to users’ Start menus. When the setting is enabled, users cannot add or remove tiles. All you need to do is pin and arrange the tiles on the Start menu as required, and use the PowerShell command below to export the layout to an .xml file:   export-startlayout –path c:\startmenu\start.xml –for startmenu   and copy the XML fi



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